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Clarissa's POV

I Hadn't seen Jones since we spoke yesterday infact if anything it seemed like he was avoiding me . I realised that it was because he felt like he had told me too much .

However as night began to fall I decided to watch the sunset go beyond the horizon at the front of the ship as I had noticed the crew didn't seem to go there at this time .

I was shocked as I heard footsteps behind me after around 15 minutes of me standing there .

"Why didn't you go with the boy lassie?"

I turned around to see Maccus approaching me , on the bright side his tone didn't seem harsh .

"I choose to stay here"

"Ya never swore yourself to the Dutchman . You could've left , Why didn't you ?"

"At first i thought it was because I didn't want to make Jones madder at the fact two of us left but now I'm beginning to think something else made me want to stay"
I replied honestly .

Maccus let out a chuckle before saying

"And what could possibly make ye wanna stay here? Unless you gotta thing for turning fishy"

"You're fishy yourself and no that's not it"


"What about him?"

"Is that why you wanted to stay?"

"Why would it be?"

"I see the way you have looked at him"

I felt my heart beating faster as I began to realise Maccus's words were the truth but I wouldn't admit that out loud not after the mistakes I made with Beckett years ago and how wrong I was .

"The way i look at him ? Do you mean the angry looks when he hurts someone I care about?"

"No the look when you glance at him when you think nobody's looking . He needs someone like you you're caring yet your fierce at the same time"

"No not again"

Maccus looked at me in confusion before saying

"Why what happened?"

"I thought I loved a man that's name is Cutler Beckett and oh how wrong I was"
I said briefly .
I heard a slight cough interrupt the conversation and saw Jones who nodded towards Maccus who quickly left straight away .

"Why are you out here?"

I looked at Jones before replying

"I like to watch the sunset and the waves"

"I've seen enough to last several life times"

"I don't think I'd ever get bored of it . The ocean makes me feel alive and free"

"Is that why you became a pirate ?"

"No I choose it for a number of reasons"

"And what are those?"

"Well that also my brother and father are both pirates and the one thing Cutler Beckett hates is Pirates"

I then asked

"What about you how'd you become one with piracy ?"

"Im more a monster than a pirate"

"No you're not . The fact that you just said that says otherwise"

"What are you trying to do too me?"
Jones snarled .

I stepped back at Jones sudden outburst unsure at what I did wrong .

"What are you talking about ?"

"Making me feel this way . Why ?"

"Im not trying to make you feel any way"

"I don't want to love again"

"You're falling for me?"

Jones remained silent but he had already given everything away .

I turned to face him and put my hand upon his cheek which was surprisingly not wet but was warm and dry .

Jones clearly wasn't going to answer so I continued

"If it makes you feel any better I don't want to risk falling in love either but I can feel it happening and there's nothing either of us can do about it"

Without thinking I pressed my lips to Jones's which like his cheek was warm and dry not slimy and wet. I was shocked when he eventually kissed back and felt his arms slowly wrap around my waist .

𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝘼𝙩 𝙎𝙚𝙖{𝘿𝙖𝙫𝙮 𝙅𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨}✔️Where stories live. Discover now