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Clarissa's POV

"There releasing her"
Davy shouted angrily .

I instantly knew he was on about Calypso .

I looked up to see a storm brewing in the air as the winds got stronger before the waves got rough and the rain got heavy .

I watched as The Dutchman soared closer to The Pearl which was soaring our way .

A cyclone began to appear no doubt one Calypso created .

"Full board into the abyss"

Davy shouted causing Mercer to reply

"Are you mad ?"

"Hah afraid to get wet"

Mercer said no more but I swear he looked terrified which was rather amusing.

The Dutchman started shooting at The Pearl from the cannons and vice versa .

I watched as Davy began to put his tentacles through Mercer's eyes , nose and mouth . Maybe if Mercer hadn't been such a pain he wouldn't of died such a gruesome death . I then saw Davy held the key which was probably for the best .


I watched as Jack and Davy fought upon the mast . I didn't want to pick a side and I know neither would've listened if I told them to stop considering one had the key and the other had the chest .

The majority crew of the Dutchman seemed to have gone to fight on The Pearl .

I fought a member of Beckett's crew who seemed to have started to fight me but I quickly dismissed them as they were neither smart nor good with a sword .

I saw Will running with the chest causing me to chase after him .

"I can't let you have that Will"
I retorted .

"Why ?"
He asked .

"Who's side are you even on ?"

Bootstrap then smacked Will . What ? Why would he do that ?

"It's me Will your son"

"Will he doesn't know it's you"
I informed .

"Who's side are you on Clarissa ?"
Will asked .

I thought about this as I didn't plan on fighting against The Dutchman of The Pearl there was only one enemy in my eyes .

"Everyone's but Beckett's"

"That's not going to work out but I'll go with it"

Will and I then noticed Elizabeth and Davy fighting causing Will to go over and take Elizabeth's place .

Will stabbed Davy through the back which caused the sword to come out at the other side .

"Missed . Did you forget I'm a heartless man ?"

Davy said before turning the end of the sword upwards making it no longer a sword .

I watched as Davy hit Will to the ground as my eyes met with Elizabeth's who seemed to know what was about to happen as a worried look appeared on her face .

"Tell me William Turner do you fear death"

I made sure to stand between Will and Davy so Davy didn't kill Will .

"Stop it Davy please"
I pleaded .

"Move Clarissa"

"No I can't do that"

Another voice interrupted us

"Do you ?"
Jack asked Davy .

I looked to see Jack holding Davy's heart with a dagger above it .

"Your a cruel man Jack Sparrow"
Davy responded .

I shouted for all four of them to hear .

"Just let one another go there's no need for this too happen . Davy let the three of them go . Jack has no need to pay his dept anymore , Elizabeth has never done anything to you and Will just wants his father back that's only one soul you'd be giving up besides his betrayed you before anyway which means you can't trust him so you might aswell let Will have his father back anyway . Then the three of you don't stab the heart and give it back then help me kill Beckett"

Like I expected Jack , Will and Elizabeth agreed with my idea . Davy on the other hand was more hesitant .

"Please will you just listen to me Davy"

Davy hesitantly agreed but agreed nevertheless .


The Dutchman arose out of the water sailing towards The Pearl and The Endeavour before both The Pearl and The Dutchman sailed at either side of The Endeavor .

Davy shouted .

The Pearl began to fire at the same time .

The two ships fired until The Endeavour was blown to bits barely nothing remaining of her .

I saw and heard the crew of every pirate ship begin to cheer .

Now there's only the epilogue left to go and I will try to get that up as soon as possible:)

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