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Clarissa's POV

As Davy explained what happened in his encounter with Calypso I didn't know how to feel about the fact Calypso wanted to hurt me because of the fact I was Davy's weakness .

"What did you do ? To make her want revenge on you so much ?"
I asked .

Davy looked saddened as I knew even though he no longer loved Calypso that whatever happened still hurt him .

"Never mind you don't have to tell me"
I continued .

"No I'm going to tell you"

I looked up in shock . I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy that Davy had put this much trust in me .

"She was a sea goddess who I fell in love with , I believed every word she said . She said that if I become the captain of The Dutchman and help the souls of dead sailors to the other side we could be together . I agreed already knowing that I could only make port once every 10 years . The 10 years went by then she never showed up. I felt betrayed by the fact she left for something presumably better than me so I abandoned the role of helping souls get to the other side and showed the men of the first Brethern court how to bind her to human form . The guilt ate away at me and the pain was too much so I cut out my heart and put it in that chest"

I listened as Davy told me the story of him and Calypso and I could hear the pain and anger towards Calypso in his voice as he spoke .

"Your reaction was fair . I would've reacted the same"

I pressed my lips to Davy's giving him a kiss .


"What now ? Are we just waiting ?"

I asked as I , Davy , Beckett and Will stood on all small strip of sand waiting for whoever the King of The Brethern court was .

I also knew the pirate lords of the Brethern Court only ever voted for themselves to be the King so we most likely wouldn't have just one King or Queen .

"No we aren't waiting because they have just arrived"

I looked up at Beckett's words and saw Hector Barbossa. Wait he died ? I was there . Whys he here ? Then Elizabeth in the middle . Was she the Queen ? I hope so because I think she would do a good job at it then on the other side of Elizabeth was Jack . I wasn't surprised to see him either .

𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝘼𝙩 𝙎𝙚𝙖{𝘿𝙖𝙫𝙮 𝙅𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨}✔️Where stories live. Discover now