Death Of James Norrington

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Clarissa's POV

"Come with me"

I looked at Norrington as he spoke those words and instantly knew he was going to free Elizabeth And her crew from the brig .

I nodded and followed him down to the brig .

Elizabeth's eyes widened as she saw Norrington and I unlock the cage .

"Come on"

Elizabeth nor her crew moved and stayed stood back .

I added .

They climbed the side of the ship so none of the crew or the navy saw them where as I just walked around the deck only to see Elizabeth's crew gliding across the rope which was bounding the two ships .

Elizabeth let out a slight smile my way before turning to Norrington and saying

"Come with us . James come with me"

Norrington looked slightly confused and was about to answer only to be interrupted by a voice above us .

"Who goes there?"

I looked up to see Bootstrap who must've left the brig when we left it unlocked .

"Go I will follow"
I heard Norrington say with slight fear lacing his voice .

"Your lying"

"Our destiny's have been entwined Elizabeth but never joined"

I looked in shock as Norrington kissed Elizabeth which she returned before they pulled away and Norrington said

"Go now"

Elizabeth looked hesitant but nevertheless began to climb the rope like the rest of her crew did .

"Back to your stations sailor"

Norrington attempted to demand to Bootstrap who was now right beside us .

"Nobody leaves the ship"

"Stand down . That's a order"

"That's a order . Part of the crew . Part of the ship . Part of the crew . Part of the ship . PART OF THE CREW . PART OF THE SHIP . PRISONERS ESCAPED"

This was not the Bootstrap that had helped his son and my friend Will escape all those nights ago . This Bootstrap seemed brainwashed or like he had lost part of his memory.


Elizabeth panicked before beginning to climb back over this way until Norrington shot at the rope causing the two ships to be no longer connected and Elizabeth to fall into the sea but at least she was safe .

I yelled .

As I saw Bootstrap stab Norrington with his sword as he turned around .

Elizabeth's screaming was still faintly heard but was almost instantly taken away by the wind .

I knelt next to Norrington and whispered

"You was a good man in the end"

I had never particularly gotten along well with Norrington but in the end he died making the right decision .

The crew began to surround us whilst murmuring amongst themselves.

Davy soon appeared not that I was surprised .

"James Norrington do you fear death?"
Davy sneered .

Norrington said nothing but attempted to stab Davy's chest with a sword before dying there and then .

"I'll take that as a no"

𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝘼𝙩 𝙎𝙚𝙖{𝘿𝙖𝙫𝙮 𝙅𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨}✔️Where stories live. Discover now