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Clarissa's POV

Jones hadn't been doing particularly good since he saw his heart wasn't in the chest he had become angrier by that I mean destroying more ships with innocent sailors and I had to watch .

I watched as the Kraken destroyed another ship filled with innocent sailors .

Jones stormed into his cabin without saying a word to anyone so I followed after him and sat down beside him .

"Whoever has your heart they haven't done anything with it yet"
I said

"They could do whatever whenever they feel like it"
Jones snapped .

"I don't think they will stab it"

"And why not ?"

"They would've already done that if they wanted you dead"

"Why else would they want it"

As Jones said this , running and shouting was heard above deck . Well I guess we are about to find out .

I followed after Jones in curiosity at what was taking place on deck .

I wasn't surprised when I saw the navy as I walked past two men who looked rather disturbed .

Two other men brought a chest into sight and I already knew what was going to be inside it .

Looks like it was Norrington who won the heart after all .

"Go on over there and take that infernal thing with you . I will not have it on this ship"
Davy declared .

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that because I will because it seems to be the only way too ensure that this ship to is directed by the company . We need prisoners to interrogate which tends to work best when there alive"

I felt bile rise in my throat as Beckett spoke his dreaded words . However more than anything I felt anger towards him .

"The Dutchman sails as it's captain commands"

Davy responds but I knew that he knew he would have no choice considering Beckett was in control of his fate due to the heart been with him and the company .

"And it's captain is to sail it as commanded . I thought you would've learnt that when I ordered you to kill your pet"

I couldn't contain my anger anymore .

"And what rights do you have to command the captain?"
I spat .

Beckett looked at me in shock . Apparently the insolent snob didn't even realise I was here judging by his face .

"You're a pirate ?"


Beckett covered up any shock that was on his face before saying

"Was that just to spite me ?"

"Only partially but been free of you was the best thing I ever did"

Beckett said nothing but stared at me for a second before turning his attention back to Davy .

"This is no longer your world Jones . The immaterial has become immaterial and as you are too do as commanded you will hand her over"

Beckett said gesturing to me .

"No I will not"
Jones sneered .

"I've promised 100 years to the Dutchman I cannot simply just leave"

Beckett seemed annoyed by this fact but he then leaned in to whisper in my ear so nobody could else could hear .

"You may not be able to right now but one day , one day soon you will be mine again and theres nothing you or the captain can do about it"

Much to my disgust Beckett kissed my cheek at the end of his speech that only I could hear .

I felt tears threatening to all but I refused to let them in front of everyone .

𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝘼𝙩 𝙎𝙚𝙖{𝘿𝙖𝙫𝙮 𝙅𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨}✔️Where stories live. Discover now