Chapter 1

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Caspienne awoke to start her day early, opening her eyes and drowsily sitting upright. Her messy black hair stuck in every which way, and her eyelids drooped wearily. She swung her legs over the bed and onto the floor, stretching her arms out and yawning. She wasted no time getting ready, putting on a baby blue dress, brushing her curly mane of hair, and heading down to the chicken coop to start her chores.

Caspienne, or Cas for short, lived alone, in a little Canadian town called Avonlea. Her life was rough, but she made the most of it, keeping up with her chores and school. She didn't have friends, per se, but she had acquaintances, and she had her eyes on a certain boy. Gilbert Blythe was the boy that had every girls heart, though none of them would admit it, they all secretly wanted him. Ruby Gillis had 'dibs' on him, but Cas always thought he should be able to decide for himself.

Her thoughts on Gilbert came to an end, as she entered the chicken coop to collect eggs.

"Hello miss Hen, may I swipe up some of your eggs?" she said, talking to the chicken (who paid her no mind). Cas reached in to grab a few and gently set them in her basket. She repeated the process, saying different things to the hens (all with different names, of course).

Continuing on with her chores, she went into the house and started on breakfast. She checked her stopwatch, noticing she only had time for breakfast, then it was off to school. She gathered her ingredients, getting together everything she needed for breakfast. Turning on the stove, she cracked two eggs and prepared some toast as they cooked. Once it was all done, she quickly ate, collected her books and slate for school, bundled up and off she went.

It took Capienne around 20-30 minutes to walk to school, the crisp autumn air bit at her ears and nose, as the wind blew her hair around her. The sounds of the forest filled her ears, as she walked down the trail. When she arrived at the schoolhouse, she made sure to place her milk in the stream and get inside. Taking off her coat, gloves, scarf, and such, she looked to see who all was in her class this year. There seemed to be a new girl, she had fiery red hair, split into two braids, and freckles adorned her entire face. Her eyes seemed filled with wonder, as she conversed with Diana, one of Cas' closer acquaintances. What stood out about her the most, though, was that her hat was laced with wildflowers. Caspienne planned to introduce herself after class, it seemed that she might be able to make a friend this school year.

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