واحد وأربعون

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chapter forty one

chapter forty one

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r o b y n

it's been a whole day since kentrell has been arrested and i've been crying nonstop. i held nova in my arms as i waited for my brother to get on the phone.

"hello." melly said into the phone as i stared down at nova who was too busy staring out our apartment window that showed a good view of the city lights.

"hey big bruddy." i said after clearing my throat.

"what's wrong robyn?" he immediately asked already knowing something was off.

"kentrell has been arrested." i said lowly as i tried not to burst into tears. i know he didn't do it, he isn't that crazy just to kill somebody.

"that's good for his ass." melly said with a careless tone.

"your no help." i mumbled as i played in the curls nova had scattered across her head.

"what the fuck you want me to do? you want me to go get him outta jail?" he asked sarcastically as i only rolled my eyes, "you forgot what dat nigga did to you?"

"alright melly i get it, damn." i said, starting to wish i never called him in the first place.

"your song has gotten over 10 million plus views since i dropped it." i told him, hopefully changing the subject.

"one minute left." the machine said making me let out a sigh.

"that's good to hear. hopefully i'll be getting out in a couple more months." he said making a small smile form on my face. i couldn't wait for my brother to get out. he's been locked up for over a year now.

"i can't wait. i love you bro." i said once i noticed we only had a couple seconds left on the phone.

"i love you too and tell nova i can't wait to see her." he rushed out before the phone call ended.

as soon as we got off the phone there was a knock on my door. i raised one of my eyebrows as i got up to go see with nova still in my arms.

i looked through the peep hole only to see kasey, boomer, ben, and kd. "how the fuck did they find out where i stay?" i mumbled to myself before opening the door.

"aww look at my god daughter." kasey grabbed nova out my hands before brushing past me. i only shook my head and opened the door wider so the boys could come in.

"robyn never told yo' bald headed ass you could be tha' god mama." kd told kasey as she continued to play with nova.

i rubbed my eyes since it was still burning from all the crying i've been doing.

"how've you been?" ben hugged me as everyone else sat on the couch. he was the only one that greeted me so far.

"good i guess." i lied straight through my teeth. i have been feeling horrible lately, i didn't know i would miss kentrell so much until now.

ben looked at me as if he knew i was lying but decided to leave it alone. my nigga.

"so we just gon' get straight to the point why we are hea'." boomer said  once everyone got quiet.

we all looked at him waiting on him to continue. "we came hea' to pick you and nova up to stay wit' us until kentrell get out."

imma try to end this book soon since i want to work on my other books i have yet completed💀

seafood or chinese food?

become a vegetarian or only drink water for the rest of your life?

i love yall💚

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