Chapter 10

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"Wake up, wake up, wake up" I felt two hands shaking me.

"What?" I looked up to see Niall.

"I'm hungryyy" rme (A/N rme stands for rolling my eyes me and my friend made it up).

"Go bother someone else!" I rolled over so I wasn't facing him.

"They are all gone feeddd mee ppllleeeeaaasssseeee" I'm never going to win with him.

"Fine I'm up" He started jumping up and down like a little kid. I went to the kitchen took  a bowl from the cabinet, poured some milk and cereal in it and handed it to Niall.


"I could've done that" he mumbled and I gave him a glare telling him to shut up. I picked up my phone and called Louis.

"Hello love how may I help you?" I smiled.

"I'm bored where are you guys?"

"You have Niall, and we are out grocery shopping Niall ate all the food" I frowned.

"Hurry up I'm bored and Niall is mean he woke me up so I could give him food" I complained.

"That lazy arse" I laughed.

"On our way home" we said our goodbyes, and hung up. Time to call Harry.

"Hello Emma"

"Wait Louis' not even my boyfriend and he still called me by something other than my name"

"Sorry beautiful" I could just see him wink.

"It's okay just promise not to hang up on me?" I have to admit I'm still kind of upset about my dream the other night, and I just don't want to loose him.

"What's wrong?" I felt so bad because he sounded so concerned.

"You have to promise" I'll explain it to him when he gets here.

"Okay I promise, will you tell me now? I'm worried about you" sad face :(.

"Don't be I just miss the girls" I lied.

"Okay..." I don't want him to be sad.

"So how was grocery shopping?" I know it was a lame question but I had to ask something.

"Interesting, I was looking at cereal, and Louis picked me up and threw me in a shopping cart. So I was being pushed around in a shopping cart 'till we got kicked out" I smiled.

"I love you guys" I laughed.

"But you love me the most" he would say that.

"No I think that would be Louis"

"Fine be that way" awe :(.

"Just kidding you'll always be my favorite" I could just hear him smile.

"So when are you coming home?" I asked.

"Well we will be there in about 2 minutes to pick up Niall and drop off the food and me because the rest of them have to go somewhere top secret that they won't tell me" he's truly adorable. Oh my god I'm turning into someone that's the complete opposite of me!

"Awe it's okay don't be upset, you have me" I giggled (A/N giggle is so funny! omg LWWY on the radio again <333 Harry's amazing voice<333 can you tell who I prefer? ps. I love them all)

"That's all I need" I think I lov-- I mean really like him, yeah I really like him.

"You're the best, hey hold on someone's at the door" I walked towards the door to answer it and 5 boys came rushing out of it the last one being Harry who went right to me.

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