Chapter 15

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I swear my heart stopped as he said those few words.

"What are you talking about?" this always happens to me, just when something good happens life shoots me in the ass.

"Well for one thing he wants 100,000 euros, and he won't be able to find her until next month. So it might take him 2 months to find Abby" is he serious?

"Are you serious? Tell him never mind, I'll find her myself. Thanks" I hung up the phone and headed straight towards the elementary school.

"Excuse me? can you point me in the direction of the main office please?" I asked the nearest person when I entered the school. They lead me towards the office, and the lady in there greeted me with a smile.

"How may I help you?" she sounded so joyous it was kind of annoying.

"Well I'm trying to find out if this is my younger sister's school, I'm visiting her from America and I'm not sure what school she goes to. I wanted to surprise her this Monday after her classes. Her name is Abby"

"Actually summer has just started for everyone, but she might go to the summer camp that is held here. Do you know what grade she is in?" I did the math in my head and came to a conclusion that she should be in 5th grade, maybe 6th.

"Grade 5, she's 11-12" she nodded, and started doing random things on her computer.

"There's many Abby's in this school. There's a Williams, Spencer, 2 Smith's, and a no name who actually just moved out of this school last year to go to a middle school" that must be her.

"That's her. Would it be weird if I asked for her address?" I know it's a long shot but I needed to try everything.

"It says here she lives in London borough. It's just a couple blocks from here, I can show you the way. As long as you leave me some information of yourself. I trust you but just in case anything happens I'm going after you" she winked jokingly. I filled out a piece of paper with my name, phone number, the hotel I'm staying at, and e-mail. She gave me directions to where Abby is, and I left, giving her a huge thank-you as I left. My phone started ringing, and I instantly knew it was Zayn. Time goes by so fast.

"Hello" I answered.

"Hey care to explain now?" he said impatiently.

"Well there's this guy I met the first day I came here, and he hates me for some reason. Today he tried to get me to have sex with him, to prove that--" he stopped me when he heard me choking out the words.

"You don't have to tell me anymore, I believe you, and I won't tell Harry I promise. Just please don't cry Em" now I really wanted to cry, he's so sweet, and he always calls me Em, it's nice.

"You won't ever understand how grateful I am. Thank you so much"

"You're welcome, I have to go but we'll talk soon" we said goodbye and ended the conversation.


***Zayn's P.O.V.***

"You don't have to tell me anymore, I believe you, and I won't tell Harry I promise. Just please don't cry Em" our conversation lasted about 3 minutes longer, and I ended it. I wish I hadn't, I wanted to talk to her, but I could feel Harry's eyes burning a hole in the back of my head.

"What can't you tell me? And why was Emma crying?" he sounded worried.

"Nothing Harry it isn't important, I promise" I wasn't really lying, I mean if it was really important she would've insisted she tell me. Right?

"If it was't important why has she told you?" he said suspiciously, and I just shrugged, and walked away. Looking back only once to see his head in his hands out of confusion.


***Harry's P.O.V.***

I watched as Zayn walked away, and I put my head in my hands. I haven't seen her in about 3 days, and she's only called once. Maybe I'm over thinking it I mean we aren't dating. Right?


***Emma's P.O.V.***

I decided to go back to my hotel, and sleep for the rest of the night, I was exhausted, and figured if Abby really lived in that house she'd still be there tomorrow... Hopefully.

***Next Day***

I opened my eyes, and immediately checked the time. 12! Already? I jumped out of my bed, and through my clothes on in record time. I quickly curled my hair wanting to make a good impression, I threw on some make-up as well, and headed out the door pleased with my appearance. I managed to dodge Jason last night, and this morning, I must be lucky. In about 30 minutes I arrived at where Abby was said to be living. I paused in front of huge house, well it's huge compared to what I've lived in. I slowly walked towards the door,and knocked three times. I held my breath as a middle aged women answered the door.

"Hello? Who might you be?" she answered with a strong accent.

"I'm looking for Abby... My sister?" she took a deep breath in, and nodded.

"Let me have a moment to tell her, please?" I nodded, and she shut the door, so that it was just a bit cracked open. I heard mumbled voices in the house. It felt like I was waiting out there forever, like she forgot about me. I heard a familiar voice yell.

"I don't want to see her ever!" Abby...

"You have to at least talk to her!" she said in a hushed voice.

"Fine!" that's when I was face-to-face with my sister. Abby. She looked so grown, to grown to be 12.

"What do you want?" she said, her eyes cold.

"I want you to let me adopt you, so we can be a family again" I said sort of scared.

"I will never let you do that. Don't you understand I hate you? You're a horrible sister. You left me there alone with dad, and the police didn't come until days later. Do you know what he did to me? Of course you don't because you weren't there. You're selfish, as sick as that monster of a father we had!" she slammed the door in my face, and left me in tears. I stood there for a moment until I was sure she wasn't going to come back. I walked off,  and thought about all the words she said. I knew it wasn't going to be the same between us, ever, but I didn't think it would be this bad. I felt another tear roll dow my face, followed by another one, and two more after that. A couple minutes later I was bawling my eyes out. I no longer knew where I was so I called Harry...


How was it? Chapter 15 completed. Sorry it took so long I've been super busy with school. I didn't think it would be this hard but it really is. God bless all those people who are dealing with school, a social life, and more than one book on here. My heart goes out to you guys! Anyway love you guys who are reading this! hope you like it.

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