Chapter 11

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the next part you are about to read is Harry's P.O.V. starting from when Liam was yelling at him. If that makes sense. Any questions feel free to ask!


*Harry's P.O.V.*

I just ruined the best thing I had in life, why did I listen to management? I sat there staring at the whole in the wall that I just made. I'm pretty sure my knuckles are all bloody but I don't care. Yes it hurt a lot but not as much as Emma's probably hurting right now.

"Harry Edward Styles! Come in here and explain to me why Emma just ran out of the house crying" she's crying? I have to go find her. I walked towards Liam, and said something I really shouldn't have but I just wasn't myself right now.

"Fuck off Liam" I saw his face harden.

"What did you do this time?" seriously he's really pissing me off.

"I said fuck off. I don't need you to give me a whole speech. So leave me alone" I walked ou the front door, and slammed it behind me. I have to find Emma. I walked for about half an hour until I finally found her... with Louis. I know I shouldn't be jealous or mad at Louis but I am, he didn't have to go after her. Soon she'll be his. I saw them get up, and I walked off in the opposite direction of home.


*Emma's P.O.V.*

We got up and started walking.

"Where are we going?" I asked Louis. He's been really nice, and confusing.

"To our apartment?" I don't think that was supposed to be a question. I stopped walking, and looked into his eyes pleading.

"Don't make me go back please, I don't think I can handle seeing Harry"

"He's not there don't worry, but you're going to have to talk to him sometime" I shook my head no, and kept walking. I heard something in the woods. I jumped, and held on to Louis. He started laughing.


*Louis's P.O.V.*

She jumped and held onto me because of a sound in the woods. I had to laugh.

"Hey! don't laugh it could be a big giant monster that's going to eat me!" I laughed again, and walked over to the woods where the noise was coming from.

"Don't go in there! I don't want to be alone!" she screamed, but I kept walking.

"Then come with me" I yelled back, and in an instant she was holding on to my arm. I heard a noise again, and something walked towards us.

"Ahh! its going to eat us!" I looked over, and saw her clenching her eyes shut. I watched as the thing that was making the noise stepped up to my feet. I started laughing hysterically.

"Emma open your eyes, that scary monster is a puppy" I watched as she slowly opened her eyes.

"Oh my god It's adorable! Can we keep him!?" I actually really like being with Emma. Oh god what am I saying. I'm supposed to like Eleanor, I mean that is why I didn't ask Anna out. Right? I snapped back to reality, and checked to see if the dog had a collar.

"He doesn't have a collar so sure we can keep him, he'll be our little puppy" bloody hell what did I just say?

"I'd like that" was all she said. I picked up the puppy, and we continued to walk home. It was 30 minutes of peaceful silence, well except for the dog barking once in awhile.

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