Chapter 9: The Spawn of Davy Jones

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I had never run so fast in my life. 

One moment I was standing next to the Doctor and Rose. When suddenly a massive green beast had erupted into the room, furniture splintering as it mowed past. It had let out a deafening roar and then I heard the Doctor shout: RUN! 

Just like that the three of us had exploded down separate hallways. 

 Now here I was. Alone. Terrified. And being chased by that god awful green monster. My feet pounded against the cold metal floor, the noise echoing down every branching hallway. 

"DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT," I squealed, sliding blindly down a hall, the beast running straight past, its claws sending up orange sparks as they grated the metal. My chest heaved, my lungs desperately sucking in air. I was shaking all over. I sucked in another long breath and took off running again, hearing only my pounding footsteps and my rasping breaths. 

If only I could have run like this in High School Gym. 

 I could still hear that awful noise ringing in my ears, feel its hot breath on my neck. A shiver cracked down my spine at the thought. I kept running, my scarf flared out behind me like a burst of crimson flames. Where the hell is the Doctor when you need him?

My breaths came in shorter rasps. I just had to keep going until I found either Rose or the Doctor. I had to keep twelling myself that. Just a little longer. Just a little longer. 

Suddenly I was his with sickening lightness. Black spots clouded over my vision. I let myself fall against a wall, hoping to stay conscious for fear of being eaten. 

 Stay awake

Stay awake

Stay awake...


I woke up some time later. How long had I been lying here? I rubbed my head and groaned at the dull pain. Then slowly I opened my eyes. Then in front of me I saw something terrifying and scrambled back. 

"What the hell?" I yelped, jumping back. It was humanoid and looked a lot like the spawn of Davy Jones. Not the musician either. It had tentacles where its mouth should be and it was holding an orb that was attached to a cord running straight from its head. 

It tilted its head and then gave the orb a few forceful taps. 

"Are you a companion of the Doctor?" It asked, the orb pulsing with every syllable. 

I blinked stupidly, not sure how it was speaking.

"Er-yes," I spit out finally. It nodded curtly and stood, clipping the orb to a breast-pocket on its neat suit. 

"This place is not safe for Humans." It spoke, words broken and unnatural.

"Yeah? Good think I'm not a bloody human." I straightened up, struck with an air of newfound confidence.  

No reply.

"I'm a Timelady," I said, pulling my shoulders back. Of course I would leave out the weeping angel part out for fear of sending my only hope running for the hills. "What's your name?"

"Epsilion A-6"

"That's quite the name... Let's call you Silion. Sound good?"

"As you wish."

"Heh, I kind of like  you, Silion."

"Thank you Madame.

 "Where are we? Why are we here?

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