Tomorrow is a New Beginning

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Tony's POV
I slowly opened my eyes, oh, it's already morning? AND I'M TIED UP IN A CHAIR AGAIN!? What the heck is going on? I tried to look around, well, I guess nobody's here. But suddenly the wizard appeared in front of me out of nowhere! I almost had a heart attack, god seriously. "Goodmorning sunshine." he greeted me and smiled, I only glared at him, "Don't be so grumpy Tony, or else you'll get old really fast." he suddenly changed his personality. UGH. I rolled my eyes, "I believe you wanted to ask something from me?" he asked, I only grumbled.

"UH, YEAH, WHY THE HELL AM I TIED UP IN A CHAIR? AGAIN?" I asked him angrily, "Well, it's simple, I don't want you to escape from me." he answered simply. Are you serious? When the heck am I gonna get back home? What if people starts to think I was kidnapped again? Well, actually yeah I was kindnapped. "I thought you said you're only gonna borrow me for a while?" I asked Stephen,  "I was, but then I realized you're worth much. So, I'm still not sure if this is still borrowing or not." he smiled.

"UH, WHAT? When are the heck are you taking me back home!?" I shouted, "Hmm. I'm not so sure about that." he said confidently. Is this guy trying to mess with me? "Ok, ok, look, FINE. You win, your tricks worked on me. Now can you let me go home?" I forfeited, but he only chuckled again. "Pfft..Stark, what are you saying?" he said while chuckling, "For now, I'm going to take care of you, people outside won't know that you're gone because I applied some sort of magic on them." he continued. What the hell is he talking about?

Stephen's POV
"Now, I'm gonna make you breakfast. Anything you want?" I asked him softly, "I.WANNA.GO.HOME." he grumbled, he furrows his eyebrows. Well, how annoying. I tried to shrug it off and ignore what he just did, I'm trying my best to take good care of him, for now. I proceeded to the kitchen, I searched some foods from the cabinets, luckily I found a pancake batter, I grabbed it and arranged the utensils I need. I can tell Tony was watching me from the back, I guess he's already hungry, he's such a kid.

Finally, I've finished cooking, I grabbed a syrup from the fridge and put it on the top of the pancakes. It looks delicious, I can see Tony was drooling already while I put the plate in front of him. "Here it is." I said as I grab a fork and slice a half of the pancake, "Um, I can eat by myself you know?" he said glaring at me, "No." I simply responded. I quickly took a slice of the pancake and stuffed it on Tony's mouth before he can even complain again. I smiled at him, he looks cute, he was actually kinda blushing.

"You're not so bad after all, Stark." I said while grabbing a glass of water, "Is that suppose to be a compliment or?" he replied while chewing. "Tony, don't talk when your mouth is full." I scolded him, but he only looks away, such a naughty child. "Anyways, here's some water." I positioned the glass into his mouth.The liquid then proceeded inside his mouth continuously, I grabbed both Tony's cheeks as I got close to him. "..Grl...hh.." Tony was already drowning, I smirked at him, "Were gonna have so much fun." I said as I placed a smug look on my face.

Lol sorry, idk what drowning in water sounds like XD

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