The New You

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Tony's POV
I woke up, not knowing anything, my head kinda hurts though. I was in bed, it was raining. "Wait, where am I?" I asked myself wondering, I turn to look around, nobody's here, until the door suddenly opened. I saw a tall man, and he has this red cape on his back waving at me, well that's weird. He approached me and sat on my bed, he also brought me soup that smells delicious. Still, I need to know who he is, but before I ask him something, he cut me off, "I'm Stephen, your boyfriend." he said.

I was..STUNNED. I have a boyfriend? Am I gay? Am I bisexual? What the heck is going on? "U-uhh, I think you've got the wrong person." I said confusingly, I tried to stand up but I felt my heart sting, fuck my arc reactor. I checked the reactor, it' "What is..this?" I asked the man in front of me, "That thing is your heart, and it's the one keeping you alive." he replied. My heart..? "Look Tony, I know you're confused, but I'm here to take care of you." says Stephen with a soft smile.

I suddenly, I've never felt like this before to anybody, maybe. His smile is just so..GOD. I tried not to blush in front of him, "Here, I made this for you." he pointed at the soup,I thanked him. "Now say, ahh." Stephen said as he took a spoon full of soup and pointed at my mouth, "I can eat by myself." I refused. He sighed, "Fine." that was all he said before he left the room. Well, that's annoying. I took a taste of the soup, hmm, chicken soup, I do love these.

After I finished eating, I felt a little energy that formed inside me, I'm full. I tried to stand up now, I stretched my body and yawned, I'm still a bit tired but I have many to ask from that guy earlier. I was also surprised that the bedroom has a bathroom inside, well this is kinda fancy. I went to the bathroom to check it out, it looks like a normal bathroom to me, I guess this is just a simple house after all. But, before I stepped out of the bathroom, I saw myself in the mirror..I have red eyes?

Why do I have red eyes? Is this just contact lenses? I'm not a cosplayer, am I? "Hmm." I mumbled to myself, I suddenly tried to poke my eye, "Ouch!" I jolted. IT'S REAL. Oh god, am I a vampire!? I opened my mouth, but there's no fangs at all. Did I took drugs? Hopefully I didn't because I'll be arrested if I did. I just noticed I'm wearing a large white long sleeve polo that can cover me below until knees, and also I'm not wearing any pants or short. WHY? Did I just had sex? With whom? With that Stephen guy!?

I immediately left the room and try to look for Stephen, goddamn it where is he!? Suddenly, he appeared in front of me like a shadow out of nowhere! "Looking for me?" he asked and smirked, "Did I just had sex with you?" I asked glaring at him. But, he only laughed, "Oh my god Tony, I can't believe you..!" he shed a tear out of joy, "Why are you laughing?" I grumbled, "I didn't had sex with you, I only changed your clothing" he finally replied, well, that explains everything. "Now, let me take care of you."

Lol ok this looks like another filler, sorry o3o

By the way, imma reveal myself when I finally finish half of the book. So that you'll know whether the story is almost finish owo

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