Who Are You?

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3rd Person POV

"Ok, ok! Fine!" Steve layed down Tony on the ground.

"Can you just please explain on what the actual fuck is happening right now?" Tony asked.

"Language, Tony." Steve warned him.

"Ugh, who cares about language?" Tony rolled his eyes, but Steve crossed his arms. "Ughhh. Yeah, ok fine, I'm sorry, you happy now?"

Steve sighed and rolled his eyes, "Look, I'm here to help you Tony, I'm not here to kidnap you or anything. Your life depends on me, and if you don't do as I say you're gonna die sooner or later."

"So what if I'm going to die?" Tony scoffed.

"I don't want you to die." But Steve cut him off straight.

"...ngh.." A sudden voice interrupted them.

The two men looked at Stephen who was holding his head. "What..happened?"

"Stephen!" Tony approached him immediately, "A-Are you ok?" He checked him everywhere, but it seems like something changed.

"Yes..I'm ok. Wait, Tony?" Stephen looked up at him.

Tony noticed his eyes, it weren't red anymore, and his personality, it changed. "Is that..really you Stephen?"

"Tony, why are your eyes red? and, and what are you wearing?" Stephen was confused. "What happened to you?"

"I-I don't know. But more likely, what happened to YOU?" Tony pointed out at Strange.

Steve was also watching them confused, but it wasn't long that he realized this was all Skull's plan. He tried to brainwash the two, so this is why Tony didn't know him in the first place and for that, Steve had to do something.  He grabbed his shield and ran through Tony, he knows what he had to do.

"Stephen, your eyes used to be red.." Tony was still confused.

"And your eyes used to be brown." Stephen was confused too. He then noticed Steve, running and approaching them with his shield from behind.

It looks like he isn't stopping, and it also looks like he was about to attack somebody.

"TONY, LOOK OUT!" Stephen gasped, pointing Steve behind Tony.

"What?" Tony turned around, and suddenly...


Steve hit his head using the shield, causing Tony to fell right into the ground.

"Oh my god!" Stephen gasped, looking at Steve.

"Let me explain later when he wake up." Steve pointed out to Tony. "Anyways, let's get you guys fixed."

Stephen only nodded, he couldn't say no to Cap.


"And basically, we were brainwashed by Skull." Steve finally finished explaining. He looked at Tony who was holding an ice pack on his head.

Tony grumbled, "Well yeah, that doesn't mean I'll forgive you for what you've done to my head Cap." he scoffed. Tony was back to being normal again, he was back to being the arrogant annoying one.

Steve sighed, finally they were all back to normal.

"So, what are you saying that Tony might be in danger?" Stephen interrupted while he was performing his healing spell on his injured arm.

Steve turned to Strange, "I don't know..but I just feel like it."

"How?" Tony suddenly joined.

Steve sighed again, "I-I just.." he placed his palm on his forehead.

"Ok, ok. Stop. You can take your time Cap." Stephen calmly said. "And Tony don't be so arrogant." he glared at him.

Tony rolled his eyes, "I mean c'mon, my life was always been in danger-"

"You don't get it Tony." Steve cut him off.

"Excuse me?" Tony exclaimed, standing up from his chair.

"Tony, Skull has something to do with you. You're like the mastermind." Steve walks in front of Tony.

They were now facing each other, doing death glares.

"AHEM, JUST KISS." Stephen cleared his throat as he interrupted the silence.

"What?" Both men looked at Strange.

"I mean, SHUSH, KIDS." Stephen went back to healing himself. "You both are acting childish over things."

"He started it!" Steve and Tony both pointed at each other.

Stephen rolled his eyes, and goes up to his room, not wanting to hear and rant anymore.

"This is all your fault Rogers." Tony said while crossing his arms.

"Yeah, you're right. I guess it is." Steve finally sighed in defeat.

"Wait what?"

"If I would've saved you from Skull, we're not gonna end up like this. But instead, I got brainwashed by him, and I'm sorry for that. I know it is my duty to protect you."

"But why would you want to protect a person like me?"

"I love you Tony."

Tony was left shock, he didn't know what to do. This was actually his dream come true, even if he thinks Steve is being a goody-two-shoes everytime and it was freaking annoying to Tony, he still loves Steve. "I love you too."

Steve's face lightened up, "I'm glad you still remember me, I was afraid the first time I saw you because I didn't know-"

Tony suddenly cut him off by a kiss on his lips. Steve was caught unguarded, but he kissed him back. They began to open their mouths as their tongue tried to intertwine with each other.

Meanwhile, Strange was actually watching them all the time. He was hiding on the stairs, "Congratulations for the two new lovers." He clapped his hands as he came down.

The two men stopped kissing immediately and turned around looking at Strange.

"What? You're jealous?" Tony smirked at the wizard, but Strange only rolled his eyes.

"Aren't you forgetting something? We need to clean the balcony." Stephen made a portal down. The balcony is where they fought earlier.

"Oh, right. We'll get started now." Steve responded as jumped right down into the portal. "Come down here Tony."

"Are we really doing this?" Tony whined. Steve glared at him.




Bucky was tortured badly. He was tied up on a chair, he got bloody scars on his back and he was wounded almost everywhere. "I'm telling you, I DON'T KNOW." He cried, he doesn't want to speak the truth because he wanted to protect Steve.

"FOOL!" Skull kicked him hard in the chair, making Bucky fall down on the cold ground.

"H..Help, Steve..."

Sadly, this book have only four chapters left.

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