Get Out

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3rd Person POV

Steve fell right into the ground, he stumbled. Tony jumped right in to the portal immediately before it closes. "Wrong move, Rogers." a man stood right in front of them, coming from the shadows.

"Stephen, look, Steve was only trying to say something." Tony explained.

"Save that for later." Stephen scoffed, his cape immediately wrap itself around Tony.

"Hey, wake up." the wizard approached Steve and kicked his face two times.

Steve tried to get up, but Stephen put his other foot on Steve's back, making him hard to stand up. "..argh." Steve groaned.

Strange smirked, "This is what you get for barging in our house without an invite, Rogers."

Steve suddenly grabbed Stephen's leg and smashes him on the ground, he stood up and grabbed his shield on his back, ready for a fight. Stephen groaned, "Oh, So you want it the hard way? Fine, let's do it the hard way." Strange let out orange circles in his hands, referring to his magic.

"I can do this all day." Steve wipes off his blood on his cheeks.

"Typical Rogers." Stephen rolled his eyes.

"Tony is mine!" Steve ran approaching Stephen, preparing his shield for any danger.

Stephen casts a long orange whip. Since he can't fly right now, he doesn't have a choice, he have to do one on one against Steve, he has to use his martial arts.

Strange used his whip to catch Steve, he pulled it towards him so that he could punch him in the face while he's trapped on the ropes.

Strange was about to punch him, but then the soldier kicked him in the stomach. Stephen stumbled on the ground by the large force.

Steve jumped high up against Stephen and punched him using his shield on the face. He tried to break his arm, still punching on his face until there was already blood dripping on Stephen's nose and mouth.

"ARGH!" Strange pushed Steve, he was now on top of him. He used his whip to choke the soldier and his body to pin him down. "How'd you like that huh!?"

But Steve cuts his whip using his shield, Strange widened his eyes and punched Steve using his other arm on the ground.

Luckily, Steve dodged it. "Is that all you got wizard?"

"You freak! You broke my arm!" Stephen was very enraged.

"Sorry about that." Steve faked his apology. He used his shield to push Strange. "It was your fault anyways."

Stephen furrowed his eyebrows and spitted out a single tooth.

Steve stood up, preparing on what's gonna be next.

Strange called out his cape from Tony, he started to levitate and he created another whip on his other hand. He can't use his other arm because it fractured by Steve, but he'll be ok since he's a doctor.

"I didn't want to do this, but you forced me to." Stephen said as he wrapped the whip against Steve again. But this time, it was really tight.

"..ngh." Steve was already struggling, soon his body will be squished by the whip if he doesn't escape.

While on the other hand, Tony was finally free from the cape, he was watching them the whole time, and it was painful for himself to see them fight over him. He stood up running and approaching the two, even though he knew it was too late for them to hurt each others, Tony didn't want anyone to get killed because of him.

Stephen's eyes suddenly turned into full red, his whip also turned red orange. Steve was starting to burn, "AHH!" he screamed.

"WAIT! STOP, PLEASE!" Tony cried.

The two men looked at him.

Tony ran at Stephen, "Please, Stephen.." he tugged his cape.

Strange stopped levitating and landed on the ground, he looked at Tony with painful eyes.

"It's ok, Steve didn't hurt me or anything." Tony started to caressed Stephen's cheeks to calm him down.

"..But Tony, he likes you."

"Shh, shh..It's alright."

"..It's not alright.."

"And why is that hunny?"

"Because..Tony, I love you." Stephen finally confessed.

Steve widened his eyes, although, he knew Strange already liked Tony in the first place, he doesn't wanna ruin their moment. He was still a good person inside even if Strange was stealing Tony from him.

Tony sighed. "I know.."

"Do you feel the same way too?" Stephen asked.

Tony looked at him, it breaks his heart to see how Stephen felt like that to him. He didn't really like Stephen in the first place, in fact, he was just pretending, he only liked him as a good friend.

"Tony? Can you please answer my question?" Strange looked at him, worriedly.

Since Steve saw how the two of them are focused on each other, he took the chance to escape the rope, it burnt him a little but he didn't mind. He grabbed his shield and looked at Stephen who was all eyes at Tony, "This is my chance..!"

"Look, Stephen..I..." Tony looked down. He didn't want to hurt his feelings, he didn't know what to do in this situation.

Strange holds both Tony's shoulders, even if his other arm was injured, he didn't care. "Don't you like me?"

"I-I'm sorry.." Tony mumbled.

"What?" But Strange didn't heard him.

"I don't like you that way." Tony finally said it.

Stephen froze, he let go of Tony.

But before he could speak, Steve suddenly hit his head with the shield, real hard.

Stephen's body hit the ground, the cloak of levitation lost life because Strange collapsed.

Tony was left shocked. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?"

"I did what I needed to do." Steve assured him. "Now, I need to take you to a safer place."

"WHAT?" Tony exclaimed.

Steve didn't answer Tony the second time, instead, he suddenly carried him bridal style.

"Put me down!" Tony whined.


"Or I'm gonna bite you!"

"No. Tony stop."

Tony didn't think twice, he wasn't even joking at Steve. "RAWR!"


I've reached 1010 words!! I'm so proud of myself :'3

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