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3rd Person POV

Everything went black, no..there was no other way to save him.


Steve was calling his name over and over again, he didn't care if Skull escaped or what, but he only focused at his lover.

"Please, please..wake up." he cried as he removed Tony's mask, while Stephen took care of Bucky.

Tony looked like he's beaten up badly, there was dripping blood on his nose, his mouth, and his ears. Steve quickly checked his pulse, it was stopping at every minute, he needed help. "No, no, no, no. Please!" He was losing hope.

Steve suddenly moved him, he slapped him continuously. "Wake up, wake up!"

"Let me." Stephen suddenly walked up to him.

"Strange.." Steve looked up at him.

Stephen then called out Bucky, "C'mere, I have a favor." He whispered something in to his ears. Bucky blushed.

"Are you serious?" Bucky groaned at Stephen.

"If you don't do it, he'll die." Stephen said.

"I hate you for this." Bucky kneeled down in front of Tony. He stared at him for a good second first.

"Wait, wait. What are you gonna do?" Steve interrupted them.

"You'll see." Strange smiled.

Bucky slowly leaned down at Tony. He was going to do mouth to mouth for him to give Tony some air. His lips were almost going to touch Tony's but then suddenly..


"I'M ALIVE, I'M ALIVE!" Tony quickly moved away and sit up straight.

"TONY!" Steve jolted.

"Told you so." Stephen smirked.

"Are you serious? I wanted a kiss from Steve, not Bucky." Tony crossed his arms.

"I thought you were dead!" Steve suddenly hugged him. "How are you still alive? Skull hits you with a rocket? Right?"

"Ah c'mon, that's just a rocket. My armor is 👌" Tony replied.

Bucky rolled his eyes, "So, how about Skull?"

"Don't worry about him. We'll get him someday." Steve said.

"You better pay for your expenses here." Strange looked at his place. It was all wrecked.

"Welp." Tony tried to stand up. "It's ok, I can pay it." He grinned.

"Sorry about this Stephen." Steve scratches the back of his head.

Strange sighed, "It was a long day after all." He sat on the couch.

"It is." Steve replied. "I should report this now. Let's go Tony." He held Tony's hand.

"Wait a minute! You're just gonna leave me here?" Bucky suddenly speak up. "Where am I gonna go? Where am I gonna live? Steve, I didn't came here just to see you. I've missed you."

Stephen was quiet.

"I've missed you too, Bucky. But right now, me and Tony are gonna report this to the police officers. You can hang-out with Stephen if you want. I'll see you then." Steve smiled and gets out of the house. "Come on Tony!"

"Have fun! ~" Tony winked at them before he held Steve and flew away.


It has been weeks now since that incident happened. Everything was doing perfectly fine, except..


"Tony! How many times do I have to tell you? I'LL DO THE COOKING!" Steve was putting fire extinguisher on the burning pan.

"Oh come on! I was just trying to help you!" Tony yelled.

"So now you're mad at me for scolding you?" Steve put down the extinguisher since the fire has already stopped.

"Did I say I was?" Tony scoffed.

"Why you little....." Steve suddenly jumped at him and pushed him on to the ground. He tickled him.

"Ah! H-Hey! Steve stop!" Tony laughed while pushing Steve away.

Steve laughed along with him, he stopped and admired Tony for a minute. He was on top of him and his gorgeous chocolate hazelnut eyes are freaking stunning! He wished he could just stare at Tony and cuddle him every damn second, he just really love him so much.

"Steve? ~" Tony called him out. "Are you thinking something dirty about me? ~"

"H-huh?" Steve snapped out of his imagination and looked down at Tony. "N-no, why?" He blushed.

"Well ~ You were staring at me for a while, so I figured you were thinking something dirty about me, hehe ~" Tony began to foot massage Steve's bulge, making him moan softly.

"S..Stop it, Tony." Steve panted.

"Oh baby, I know you like it ~" Tony proceeded to kiss him deeply.

Steve started to moan in between their kisses. Their tongues were meeting again with their saliva on it.

Tony then unzip Steve's pants using his toe while kissing his lover.

"Nhnn..W-Wait, Tony." Steve pulled out from their kiss. "We're in the kitchen, someone might see us-"


The door suddenly opened, revealing Pepper.

"Oh my god." She gasped as she saw the two men starting to make out inside the kitchen.

"Pepper?" Tony saw her.

"T-This is not what it looks like..!" Steve tried to explain.

"I'm just gonna-" She slowly closed the door. "Jarvis, can you please lock the kitchen door?"

"Of course, Ms. Potts." Jarvis responded.

"And, is there any way that you can just erase on my memory from what I saw in there?" Pepper placed a hand on her eyes, regretting what she just saw.

"No." Jarvis answered straightly.

"Yep. I already figured out you'll say that." She said and then left.


"Ngh..hah..ah..." Steve panted as he came inside Tony.

Tony moaned as he came too and spurted it out on the kitchen counter. "Well..that was fun."

Steve then removed his member inside Tony's and cleaned himself up while his lover also did the same.

"Can we do this like, everyday from now on?" Tony asked him.

"Tony, if we do it like that, you'll get HIV or AIDS. Or-or even prostate cancer." Steve chuckled, but he was serious though.

Tony rolled his eyes as he scoffed, "Psh, don't worry about that. I can handle all sorts of stuff."

"Tony, no." Steve protested.

"Tony, yes."

"Tony, no."

"Tony, YES!"

"Ok, you know what? Tony, I love you." Steve smiled at him.

"I love you too."



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