Bedtime, Darling ~

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Stephen's POV
It's almost evening, in my suprise, me and Tony actually got along quite well today, even if he's brainwashed. Earlier, I've manage to explain everything to him, "Tony, from now on, this is gonna be our home, and don't worry about the expenses, it's free. I'm always here for you no matter what, so you're safe here." I said, but he was confused at first. "Can't I go outside?" he asked making a pouty face, I sighed, "No, people outside are dangerous, if you go outside they'll hurt you Tony. Only I have the permission to decide whether were going somewhere or not."

After that he only nods, he looks like a confused child, which I find cute. Right now, were watching tv, "Tony, I'll have to prepare for dinner, do you want anything?" I asked, "Nah, anything's fine." he said while slouching on the couch. Seriously, what a couch-potato, that makes him really annoying sometimes. I then proceeded to the kitchen and cook whatever there is on the fridge, I also requested my cape to watch Tony closely hoping that he wouldn't try to escape. Well, I hope I'm doing good at taking care of him.

After I finish cooking, I called out Tony, but he's asleep. I slowly walked towards him sleeping in the couch, "Hey, dinner's ready darling." I whispered through his ear. "WAH!" he suddenly woke up and jolted, I only chuckled, "Seriously?" he glared at me, I apologized. "Now come on, you don't wanna miss this dinner." I said as I grab his hand and lead him to the dining room. His face suddenly enlightened by the fancy steak on the table, it was beautiful. Tony immediately sat on the chair and took a bite on the delicious stake, "MMMM!" he said.

Tony's POV
"THISH ISH SHO GOOD!" I said while my mouth was full, Stephen only chuckled again. "Here, have a wine." he said as he poured a wine on my glass, ooh! This is fancy! I guess Stephen wasn't that bad at all, "Hey uh..thanks." I thanked him bashfully, I'm not really used to this kind of stuff. "It's nothing, consider this a celebration." he smiled, but again, I was left confused at what he meant 'celebration'. I just shrugged it of and immediately finish my steak so that I can go to bed early and finally rest.

I burped, oops, that was loud, Stephen chuckled and I also chuckled with him too. "Sorry about that." I said, "Want to go to bed now?" he asked me, I only nodded in agreement. He summoned a portal to my room and we both went inside, "Um, what are you doing?" I asked raising my other eyebrow, "Well, I'm coming with you." he responded. "Why? This is my room, go sleep to yours" I pointed at the door but he refused to, "What the heck is your problem?" I finally asked, he sighed and suddenly pushed me hard in the bed.

He immediately pinned me in the bed, now he's on top of me, oh god what is he doing!? "U-uh.." I couldn't say anything, I was blushing. "Tony, I'm hungry." he said, "W-what?" I didn't know what he meant. "Well, you managed to eat the whole steak earlier so I didn't get the chance to eat dinner." he explained, oh right, I did ate it all, my bad. "S-sorry." I apologized, we can actually feel our breaths together, that's how close we were. "It's ok, I already have something to eat for dinner." he assured me, "What?" I asked. He smirked, "You."

Well this is fun.

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