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Tony's POV
I woke up. "Ngh.." I mumbled as I felt my back hurts a little, oh right, I forgot that I had sex last night. I guess I'll just rest here for a while since I also can't walk because of my jelly legs. I hummed, waiting for Stephen to come over in the room, what time is it though? I checked my alarm clock besides the nightstand, IT'S 12 PM IN THE AFTERNOON!? Damn, am I that heavy sleeper? I guess our sex last night was kinda rough. But I have a feeling that it's about to get rougher.

Ughh, I'm hungry. Not so long, the door suddenly opened, it's Stephen. "Hey, g'morning." he greeted me with a soft smile, I smiled back. "How you feeling, Tony?" he approached then asked, "Yeah, I'm fine." I nodded."Can you stand up?" he worried, "I-..no." I pouted, finally concedes defeat. I sighed trying my best to sit up straight and to stand next to Stephen, but I still can't. "Don't worry, I got you." Stephen placed a soft smile again and started to carry me carefully and gently towards the living room. I guess he truly is my boyfriend.

He then layed me slowly on the couch, "T-thanks.." I mumbled bashfully, "What?" he didn't understand, he's really annoying sometimes. I thanked him again, correctly this time, as I look away and blush. He chuckled, "You really are cute.", "W-well..it's your fault that I can't walk or sit up straight." I tried to challenge him so that he won't notice I'm embarrassed. He chuckled again and rolled his eyes, "Yeah right." he sarcastically replied, I only scoffed and cross my arms looking away from him. "Ok, ok, I'm sorry." Stephen finally apologized, I gave him a smirk and tried not to laugh.

Stephen's POV
I sighed, then looked at Tony again, who was laughing out loud. God, I've never seen someone so gorgeous before, his laugh is just music through my ears, and his smile..his smile is everything that I wanted. "Hey? Stephen? You still there?" he asked still chuckling, I blinked two times before I notice I was exploring my mind too deep again. "Oh-uh, I almost forgot, I can heal your painful body, that is if you want?" I suddenly asked him, "Sure, just don't put injections on me." he says with a sarcastic tone.

"There's only one long injection that I can put in you." I smirked, Tony was left confused at first, but then he suddenly blushed like a tomato. I chuckled, "W-WOULD YOU JUST SHUT UP..!?" he was embarrassed, I guess I'm enjoying this too much. "Ok then, let's perform magic." I proceeded to postion my hands up against him, I gestured it moving from left to right, there were dark orange light that surrounded Tony. He was left amazed by this lights, his eyes sparkled just by looking at them, it was beautiful watching him while I was performing.

After I healed him, the lights slowly disappeared and that left Tony a bit sad. "Am I good to go now?" he suddenly asked me, I nodded in agreement, he finally tried to stand up and walk, it actually worked. I'm not suprised though, I knew my magic always works, eventhough it can't be explained in some point, it's just called a miracle. "WOAH! I CAN WALK AGAIN!" he cheered happily, which I only smiled, "Thanks, babe!" he suddenly kissed me on my cheeks and proceeded to the kitchen, I was left..stunned. This is it, my plan is working..!

Here you go, as I promised XD

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