~ Special Part ~

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TAKE NOTE: This has nothing to do with the story because it's already finish. This is just what everyone wants, so deal with it :3

"F-Fuck! AH!" Bucky moaned as Steve thrusts inside him.

"Bucky..I'm-I'm cumming."

"Shit..ah, me too!"

And for that, they both came together as they panted after. But, the door suddenly opened, revealing Tony.

"Holy Mother of Pearl." Tony widened his eyes as he stood there.

"T-Tony!" Steve covered his body, "W..what are you doing here!?" He was embarrassed.

"Hey, I should be the one asking that! What the hell are you guys doing over here inside my lab?" Tony was confused.

"Aw come on ~ We wanted you to join us Tony. ~" Bucky joined the two.

"B-Bucky..!" Steve whispered yelled at him, he was blushing like a tomato.

Tony wanted to admit that he was already hard for the both of them. But he doesn't how this'll go. He smirked, "Well? Isn't that what you're talking about Steve? ~"

"W-Wait what?" Steve already know what was going on with Tony's mind.

Tony bit his lip as he approached the soldiers while he was stripping on his own.

"Hot. ~" Bucky said.

Tony then sat in between the two and splits up his legs, showing his pink puffy hole and his hard erect cock in front of them.

Both men got hard immediately, Bucky was already drooling over Tony while Steve was already imagining dirty things about him.

"So? You're just gonna stare or do something with it?" Tony smirked.

"Well, since Steve is the shy type guy, he better fuck up your ass and I'll fuck you up with your mouth." Bucky chuckled.

"Wait, how am I in that place?" Steve asked, not wanting to say a bad word.

"What? You want Tony to suck you up while he's looking up to you? Isn't that kinda embarrassing for you?" Bucky said.

"I guess so." Steve frowned a bit, it's true though.

"C'mon, I'm waiting here." Tony interrupted the two.

"You're such a slut, doll." Bucky proceeded to positioned his hips in front of Tony. "Suck it up."

Tony began licking the tip, god it was big as fuck. He doesn't even know if it'll fit right in to his mouth, but he'll try though.

"Mmmn..Good boy. ~" Bucky grips his hair.

Tony started to open his mouth and tried to suck Bucky's member. He almost gagged until something poked his ass. He saw Steve positioning himself in the corner of his eye.

Steve started to insert his tongue as a substitute for lube, earning a moan from Tony. He swirls it inside his ass.

"Ah..fuck." Bucky gripped Tony's hair while pulling and pushing it, he was directing it.

Tony sucked it all up, making the tip of the cock reach his throat. He almost cried out of pleasure.

Steve then removed his tongue, he wanted to already fuck Tony so badly, he just wanted to experience how it feels inside of him. "Here goes nothing." He proceeded to insert the tip first.

Tony suddenly felt a flesh poked his entrance, he knew Steve was gonna go inside now.

Steve began shoving his member in Tony's hole, oh god it was just as he expected. It was so warm and tight inside! The saliva is making it easier to push through, and it's making it more wet. Tony started to moan.

His thrust were getting faster, "Mmn..hah, T-Tony." Steve panted. "I-It feels so good..!"

Bucky also felt so good with Tony's warmness in his mouth. "Fuck..ah...S-Steve." He called him out.

Steve then looked at him, wondering why he just called out his name.

"..Kiss me ~" Bucky said.

"H-Huh..!?" Steve blushed, then suddenly received a kiss from Bucky. He leaned at him, they were practically kissing up against Tony.

Tony could see the two, which made him more turned on.

The kiss was getting more agressive, their tongues were intertwining with each other's saliva.

Steve was trying to find where Tony's prostate was, and after he found it, he immediately pounded harder there.

Tony cried as he moaned, he was gagging on how big Bucky was, although Steve is much bigger than him. He started swirling his tongue around Bucky's cock while he's sucking it.

Bucky stopped kissing Steve, they broke the kiss as their saliva connecting on their tongue. "Hhnnn! ~"

Steve panted, thrusting rougher than before, he started to stroke Tony's untouched cock.

"Ah..! F-Fuck doll, I'm cumming!" Bucky screamed as he released inside in to Tony's throat. The thick milky fluids slided down while Tony cried.

Bucky then panted heavily and removed his member on the other man's mouth, he flopped down on the bed carelessly. He noticed Steve wasn't finish yet, "Are you fucking kidding me..?"

Tony swallowed all the cum, he coughed a little. "Ahh! Steve..!"

"I-I'm almost there.." Steve groaned while thrusting faster than ever. Fapping sounds filled the lab, their sweats were already combining together.

"S-Steve, I'm cumming..!" Tony moaned.

"Let's cum together.." Steve whispered in to his ears. He stroked Tony's member continuously.

"AH! ~" Tony moaned as he came under Steve's hand.

Steve also came inside Tony, he groaned while he fills him with lots of his warm creamy semen.

They both panted, relieved and exhausted. Specially Tony.

"God, that was hot." Bucky said while watching them.

Steve chuckled while he panted, he then removed his cock in Tony's ass. "Oh god..That's a lot." He said as he saw lots of cum dripping from Tony. "I-I'm sorry."

Tony suddenly flop down, "Just..let me sleep." He slowly closed his eyes.

"I think we went off touch." Steve looked at Bucky, who was actually already sleeping.

Steve chuckled and put a soft smile on his face as he saw both his lovers asleep on the floor.

"How cute." Suddenly, a voice came.

Steve quickly turn to look around, "S-STRANGE!?" He widened his eyes.

"And you guys had sex without me? Such impatient sluts." Stephen smirked.

I hope you like it :3

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