Phone Calls

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Steve's POV
Months passed by..yes, it has been a year since Tony was gone. Gone forever. I'm never gonna see him again, probably. Bucky on the other hand, well, he's been in my prison for who knows how long? Yes I would torture him down there if I wanted to, but not the sex type torture, I didn't want to rape anybody after what happened to Tony that day. I was..traumatized? Exactly. But I shouldn't be like this, I'm Captain Hydra, nothing can stop me, and soon I shall rule the whole entire world by conquering it little by little.

Still, I tried to move on so bad, some people does, but not me. I still have his number though, but I'm afraid I might hurt him again, I don't know what I'll do if I ever see him, I might get too excited about it. I decided to go down and visit Bucky a bit, to know how he's doing, as I opened the door he was just there sitting emotionless. "Miss me?" I asked standing right in front of him, he didn't answer, "You know what, this is all your fault.", "Steve..please...I'm so sorry."

He grabbed my legs and hugged them as tight as he could, he couldn't move that far because he had chains in his body. "Move." I didn't want to repeat it again, but he didn't obey me. "For god's sake Bucky." I kicked him hard at his stomach making him cough blood, he let go of my legs as the force pushed him. "I only came here to check you, yet you still want me to torture you?" I sighed, disappointed. To be honest, I'm not really in a the mood to punish somebody, instead, I want to punish me.

I left Bucky down there, and proceeded to my room, I lonely. I turned on the tv, hoping for some entertainment, but suddenly it lost cable, the fuck? Even the tv hates me so bad. I sighed, Red Skull then appeared at the screen so sudden. "What the?" I was confused, "Ah, Mr.Hydra, such a pleasure meeting you again." he started with a small introduction, "I wanted to talk to you about something". "What do you want?" I glared at him, "It's about your slave, the one and only, Anthony Stark." my eyes widened, "N-no.."

"What do you want from him!?" I ranged, "I didn't want anything from him, I just wanted to tell that I sent a 'certain someone' to watch over Stark while he's away. I didn't like how you treat our guests." the television suddenly turned back to it's normal channel. I was left frozen, what does he mean by that? This is like the first time that he dumped me, the heck is wrong with him? Surely, I'm doing fine as a Captain right? I turned off the tv, I wasn't in the mood now, everything's just going fucked up in my life.

Weeks later, I can't sleep, thinking about Tony and what Skull just said. I can't bare these anymore, I haven't even checked Bucky since the past few weeks, hopefully he's still alive, I don't wanna kill my best bud. That's it, this is enough, I had to call Tony even if I don't want to, I still love him ok? I ADMIT IT. I just want him to be safe, Skull might have done something bad at him, hopefully he's still alive. After hours of calling and texting him, HE STILL WON'T REPLY. "Tony..please...Please be ok."

Yeah, this is like the part when Steve called Tony in "Tricks That Can Kill You"

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