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3rd Person POV

"Tony? Tony?"

Tony rubs his eyes as he woke up, "What do you want Steve?" He groaned not wanting to get out of bed.

"It's breakfast time." Steve smiled. "Now, get up."

But Tony whined, "No."



"Tony, yes."

"Tony, no!!"

Steve sighed and rolled his eyes, "You make me want to do this." He suddenly lifts up Tony from bed.

"Hey! Put me down!" Tony whined over and over again, but Steve only ignored him while walking downstairs. He saw Strange already eating his breakfast, "Hey."

Stephen saw the two, "Well, if it isn't Mr. 'Yee-Haw'?" He smirked.

Tony and Steve both blushed.
"S-Shut up wizard." Tony looked away.

"You guys were really loud yesterday. I can't even read a book peacefully in my room because you two were both moaning." Stephen sips his tea.

Steve sat Tony besides Strange, he was being quiet, it means that he was really embarrassed.

"So? What do you want me to do? Throw us out of the house?" Tony started to challenge the wizard. Stephen gave him a 'Don't start with me Stark' look, but Tony only rolled his eyes.

"I didn't say anything like that." Strange said.

"Oh please, that's totally what you meant." Tony said.

They both started to rant.

"Ok, ok! Please guys, just shut up." Steve stopped the them. "And eat the pancakes I made for you two. We have a busy today and we're going to a much safer place than this house, so we're leaving here."

"Wait, we're leaving?" Tony asked.

"Yes, I don't want you getting hurt." Steve placed a soft smile on his face. "Now, pack up."

"Wait, waaaaitt! Steeeebbbbe, I like it in here!" Tony hugged Steve by his arm, placing a cute puppy look in his eyes to please his lover.

"Tony, no." Steve replied.

"Tony, yes."

"Tony, no."

" Tony, yes!"

Steve sighed, "Please, we are not gonna do this again."

"TONY, YES." Tony looked at him.

"Stephen, I don't know." Strange interrupted the two. "Anyways, I'm finish eating my pancakes. Now, if you'll excuse me, I wanted to ask who'll take a bath first?"

Tony and Steve looked at each other, "Me." They both answered.

"Hm, ok." Stephen made a portal down the bathroom and both lovers fell right in to it. "Don't bother me." Strange said before he closed the portal.

"Oh, you little....." Tony was about to rant again, but Steve stopped him. He lifted him up and place him on the bathtub, "No Tony, no!" Steve scolded him.

"Yeeeeess!-" Tony shouted but then suddenly Steve kissed him to shut him up. There was no other way.

Tony kissed him back, and for that, Steve went inside the bathtub too, he topped Tony. He was still kissing him while he slowly unbutton Tony's shirt. Their tongues started to swirl with each other again.

"Mnnhn ~ Hah..g-give me a moment to breathe..." Tony pushed Steve away, he was now half naked because of his lover.

Steve panted, as he looks into Tony's eyes, "Tony, I love you." He started to remove his clothes and place it outside the tub. Now they were both naked.

"I love you too." Tony opened the faucet on the tub and started to kiss Steve again, aggressively this time.


"..hah..." Stephen panted as he stopped reading a book, his head kinda hurts so he decided to just relax for a minute. "Ugh.." He holds his forehead.


Stephen was hearing thoughts from his head, but he know doesn't why. "Ngh..w-who are you..!?"


Stephen widened his eyes, "N-No..! Stop." He almost shouted.

We're coming...

After that, the voice stopped. Stephen panted, he panted heavily. He doesn't know what Skull wants with him and what he wants him to know. "..Goddamn it, he's here."


"Ah ~ S-Steve faster..!"


These was heard from outside the bathroom where Stephen was already standing there and waiting for them. "Are you guys finished? It has been an hour now." He knocked.

"Oh! Um, y-yeah. Just a minute Strange!" Steve shouted. After a minute of two, the door finally opened, both lovers were wearing a towel. Steve was carrying Tony as usual, after sex.

"I need to talk with you guys after I take a bath." Stephen sounded serious. Both Steve and Tony only nodded.

Strange went in to the bathroom and closed the door.

"What's he mean though?" Tony asked.

"I don't know. But he sounded so serious." Steve replied as he went in to their room to change clothes. He then laid Tony on the bed.

"Do you think..Do you think it's about him?" Tony looked down.

"Him?" Steve confusingly asked.

"Skull." Tony responded. They both got quiet.

"Oh no.."


"Get dressed." Skull commanded Bucky, tossing him his old clothes.

Bucky only nodded. He started to put his clothes on.

"Here." Skull handed a gun to him. "We'll use that for later."

"Wait, later? What do you mean?" Bucky asked as he looked up at him, this was such a wrong thing to do. He wasn't allowed to challenge Skull or to ask him any questions.

Skull suddenly slapped him, "Do it or else I'll end you."

Bucky looked down as he nodded.

"Now, follow me. We're going to ride here." Skull pointed at the black van. He opened the back door of the car revealing different kinds of guns, there was even a rocket launcher there. "We're gonna use this for later too."

Bucky frowned, while he put his mask on. He proceeded to go inside the car. Why did he even say yes to this?

"Let's go." Skull went inside the driver's seat and started to lead.

"D-Do you even know where they are?" Bucky asked again, he should really stop doing this.

"Yes, of course. A certain person told me inside my head." Skull replied.

Bucky wasn't expecting that, but he already knew he was talking about Strange.

"I'm coming for you Captain Hydra."

Hmm, how should I end this? XD

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