I Had to Let you Go..

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Steve's POV
Tony..he's gone again. Just like that. I never really thought that this day would happen, that I'll lose Tony again, that I'll never be the same happy-go-lucky as always. I promised that I wouldn't let him go..but I had to. He had already harmed himself because of me, because of what I've done. He's probably happy with his life now, without remembering me, without me by my side, at least he's good with that, all I wanted was Tony to be happy and for that, I guess it didn't happen, I wasn't enough.

So here's what really happend that day, I froze when Tony saw us and ran away crying, my body can't move on it's own, you know what I mean? Well, sometimes that does happen, I didn't get the chance to explain what's happening and to chase him running. "Was that...?" Bucky suddenly interrupted, he was confused, "Tony..no..." I couldn't speak the right way. "At least his gone now, and I can be all yourss." he shrugged it off and smirked at me, I was disgusted, was he just using Tony all this time? "YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" I snapped, my temper was raging like hell.

I can't control my body anymore, I urged to punch Bucky in the face, real hard. I disconnected his metal arm and confiscated it, he now has only one arm left, "Bitch." I spitted on him before living the room. I looked everywhere for Tony, he wasn't in the hallway, or outside the building, or even in our room, which means..he could be in his lab. I immediately ran through where Tony is, I tried to open the door but it was locked, I knocked and knocked and knocked again, louder and louder each and every knock on the door.

Still no answer, "TONY!" I shouted every second, but still no reply. I placed my ear near the door to hear him, suddenly I heard a loud thud, I wasn't wrong, Tony was in there. What the heck is he doing? "Friday? Can you open the door for me?" I asked the A.I. hoping that he would do it, "I'm sorry Mr.Rogers, I'm afraid I can't do that." Friday replied. This computer is just SO DUMB, I had no choice, with my super strength, I kicked the door and, I saw..Tony with those deep wounds and a knife that was stuck on his stomach.

I suddenly dropped the metal arm that I was carrying and immediately approach Tony. "God..what happend...?" I checked him, every part of his body was damaged, I was so hurt, but it was all my fault anyways. Tony was left unconscious, his breathing became slower, and his pulse was disappearing each and every minute. "No..Don't die.." I was losing hope, I carried him and ran through the machine, the machine that had him brainwashed. I didn't care if some workers saw us and talked about it, all I care right now is Tony.

I quickly manage to set the helmet on Tony's head, what was I doing? I'm going to erase his memories again, and bring back himself, the original Tony Stark. I didn't have much time to say goodbye to him before I got him through the nearest hospital, so I started the machine immediately. After that, I quickly pull out Tony there and quickly ran to the hospital. The nurses asked me who was I, but I refused to answer, I only told them to watch over Tony because I pretended that I was in a hurry, "Don't tell others about me, k?" I winked at the nurse to distract her and in my suprise it worked, she nodded and I left.


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