World War

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3rd Person POV

We're here...Stephen..

"NGHH!" Stephen holds his head using both hands, he was sitting on the tub, water falling down his skin, he can't even relax just for one bit.


The voice was getting louder in his mind, it was getting worse, it feels like his head was gonna blow up sooner or later. "S-SHUT UP!"

Give me..Captain Hydra. WHERE IS TONY..!?

The voice was shifting, "UGHHH! FUCK YOU!" Strange suddenly punched the wall, causing his knuckle to bleed. Suddenly, the voice disappeared, he panted heavily and got out from the shower.


"Steve, I'm just joking c'mon." Tony chuckled.

"This is no time for jokes, Tony. This is about Skull, and when I'm talking about him, it will never be a joke." Steve walked in circles on the living room while Tony was sitting in the couch.

Tony sighed, but Steve continued to mutter about Hydra, Skull, Bucky and about protecting Tony.

"Hey." A sudden voice came out of the room, it was Stephen.

"Strange." Steve looked at him, Tony too.

"Um, about earlier, what I wanted to talk about is Skull." Stephen hid his other hand because of the wound from punching the wall.

"What about him?" Tony asked.

"I've..kept hearing his voices in my head even since yesterday..and-and I don't know what he wants from me." Stephen started to shake in fear, as he sat on the couch besides Tony.

"Hey, hey. Calm down." Tony tried to soothe him, he patted his back.

Steve tried not to be jealous and focus on what's Strange is saying.
"Please, what did he say to you?" He politely asked.

Stephen tried to calm himself down, "He said he's coming. He's coming for you and Tony."

Steve widened his eyes, "I knew it.." He placed a grip, looking down.

"I-I don't understand." Tony said.


"ARGH!" Stephen suddenly yelled, holding his head as he looks down from the ground. "S-Skull..!"

"W-What is it!?" Steve approached Strange.

"NO! D-Don't come near me!" Stephen warned them. He fell down from the ground in a fetus position, while holding his head.

"Stephen! Are you ok?" Tony checked him. "What did Skull do?" He was worried.

"H..He said, he's not alone.." Strange responded, shaking in fear.

"Wait, what do you mean he's not-" Steve was suddenly cut off by a loud kick on the door.

Skull was standing in front, and so was Bucky beside him.

"Bucky..?" Steve couldn't believe what he's seeing, why is his best friend over there helping his enemy out? Where have he been? How is Bucky? He has so many questions flowing on his mind right now, that he can't even think of anything straight.

"Steve? STEVE!" Tony interrupted him. Steve finally snap out of reality.

"Ah, Captain Hydra, and the impeccable Tony Stark." Skull said.

"What do you want?" Steve standed up straight, his shield was at the back of the sofa.

"I want you to help me bring back what once was mine." Skull demanded. "If you don't, I'll have to use this." He pointed out at the rocket launcher that he was holding.

Stephen suddenly tried to stand up, "You wouldn't." He glared at Skull.

"Well, if it isn't Dr. Strange? I owe you a bunch." Skull said, but Stephen only glared at him.

"Ok, look at me Tomato Man. We're not here for a fight, let's just talk this out ok?" Tony assured.

"ENOUGH!" Skull suddenly lifted up his rocket, ready to launch.

Steve quickly jumped ahead of the couch so that he could get his shield. He immediately shielded Tony since Stephen can cast his own shield. Skull then fires the rocket launcher on them.


The room looked like a mess after that, there was grayish smoke everywhere. Luckily, they were still alive.

"Tony, are you ok?" Steve turned around at him.

"Yep. I'm fine." Tony tapped his reactor two times before his nano armor came out of him. "Let's do this."

"Look out!" Strange yelled as Bucky started to fire out guns at Tony and Steve.

Steve shielded the bullets, "I'll handle Skull." He said to Tony.

Tony nodded, "I'll get Bucky, then." They started to split up.

Strange couldn't move any further, his fractured arm was not fully healed yet, his other hand has wounds on it and he was freaking out like hell.

Tony started to fly around and shoot beams at Bucky while he's firing out some bullets.

And on the other hand, Steve started to punch out his way on Skull. "What is wrong with you!?" He managed to ask while fighting.

"Everything!" Skull responded as he swings his rocket launcher at Steve. The soldier luckily dodged it and he kicked the launcher out of Skull's hand. "Stop it!"

Steve then pushed Skull in the ground, making him lying on the top, he pinned down his enemy. "Why are you doing this?"

"None of your business!" Skull kicked Steve and immediately grabbed his rocket launcher.

While on the side, Tony finally hits Bucky on the head, making the metal armed stumble on the ground. "Phew, thank goodness." He said under his mask as he landed.

Tony approached Bucky, he checked if he's still alive or if he just killed a man. In a matter of luck, Tony felt his pulse, "Ok, good." He turned to Steve and Skull, looks like they're both having a hard time.

Skull lifted his rocket launcher once again while Steve was standing on to the other side.

"If you step one more closer, I'll destroy your whole life." Skull said, not wanting to repeat again. He saw Bucky on the ground, hopeless.

"Look, let's just talk this-" Steve was going to finish his sentence until Skull suddenly fired up a rocket.


But where did he fire it to? It was going horizontally, pointing at a certain person.

"NO! TONY!" Steve shouted.

Everything went into slow motion.

Oof, Rip lol

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