What kind of Fun?

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Stephen's POV
"I'll be showing you how a surgery should be done. CORRECTLY." I smirked at him while I go grab something from the shelf nearby. I can hear him spitting out liquids from the back, I guess I drowned him too much. "The FUCK Strange!?" he yelled, but I ignored him, I was looking for something, a red arc reactor. That thing can erase his memories for sure, and when that happens..He'll be mine forever, no one can take him from me. EVEN THOSE TWO IDIOTS. "What the hell do you think you're doing!?" he yelled again, god he's annoying.

Right, finally I found the arc reactor, as I turn around to Tony, I placed an evil smirked on my face. "You know what's this?" I said pointing at the red circle on my hand, "A-another arc reactor..?" he was shocked and scared at the same time. "Mhmm." I smirked again while slowly approaching Tony, "You know? If you weren't annoying in the first place, I would've done this." I said as I sat on his lap. "W-what are you gonna do..?" he asked shaking in fear, I leaned at him and whispered through his ear, "Shh.."

I circled my fingers around his arc reactor, "Do you see this?" I asked him while pointing on the red one, he only nods. "I'm going to replace that blue thing on your chest with this red reactor." I said with a devilish smile, Tony was terrified, he couldn't move, he didn't know what to do. "Here." I continued as I grab a handkerchief on my pocket and wrap it around Tony's mouth, it'll help him to endure the pain. But suddenly, I felt tears fall down on my hands, Tony was crying, "Please don't do this.." he sobbed, "Sorry darling, I have to."

"I thought..you were going to take care of me..?" he asked in between his sob, I can't lie but that actually kinda melted my heart a bit. Still, I won't fall for those emotions, I suddenly ripped out his arc reactor without a warning, Tony was intensely biting the cloth on his mouth. I did an evil laugh to seduce Tony, he was crying so much, I started to lick the tears in his face, now he has a hole in his chest. "Do you want me to put the reactor back?" I ask seductively, "P-please..!" he was helpless.

"BEG FOR ME, BITCH." I said,
"Please..!" he was now hopeless, "I SAID BEG FOR ME!" I shouted right in front of him, "PLEASE!" his voice was cracking. I placed a huge smug look on my face again, "Heh, that's what I like about you Tony." I smirked and started to put the red reactor on his chest. "AhH!" he jolted, his body began shaking in the chair, I try to back up now, this is it, it's finally happening! After a minute or two, his body stopped shaking, he looked drained.

"Tony? Are you ok?" I said slowly approaching him, I need to check if he's still alive or not. I checked his body temperature and his pulse, he seems fine, but why do he look like he's dead? I checked his eyes, it was now red, I guess it worked? Hmm, but he's still not awake yet, I tried to slap his face, not that hard, but he won't wake up. I started to worry, what if it didn't work? I sighed, what do I do? After thirty minutes of waiting, he suddenly snored, what the hell? Is he just sleeping? Oh, thank goodness for fucks sake.

I forgot Tony was shirtless the whole time lol

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