Chapter 32*Bomb explosion*

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Third person's POV.

"Benjamin, you really need to get out." Anna shouted. "Please just listen to me." She begged.

"You really losing it. Why would I get out of my own car while I'm speedin---."

"There's a bomb." She shouted interrupting Benjamin and before Anna could say anything else the bomb exploded. "Benjamin. Ben" she kept shouting for his name but there was no respond,

"No, this can't happen. Sofia, will die with him." Anna said shaking and she started calling Sofia. "Please answer it Sofia." She kept praying but Sofia didn't answer the call. She left Sofia, twenty six missed calls and finally decided to go to the scene herself.

On the other hand, Damien and Diego was the first to arrive at the scene where Benjamin's car exploded. Damien kept looking for his cousin everywhere but he couldn't find anything. They saw some many people bleeding to death but they both  didn't care. They only came here for Benjamin, their best friend who was no where to be seen.

After a long search for Benjamin, Damien finally found his body next to a car.

"Diego, make sure you don't let the journalists see him." Damien ordered Diego as he touched Benjamin pulse. "You have to get him to the nearest hospital. I can't loose him too." Diego picked Benjamin up and left in his car.

"Damien, are you here for your cousin?" One of the journalists asked as Damien walked to her, trying to distract her.

"I'll shoot you in the head if you ask me that again." He warned her and she looked around in shock. "Don't lie about my cousin, he isn't part of this."

"Damien knight, I thought your only cousin was Benjamin who caused this accident. Do you think he committed suicide?" She asked and Damien grabbed her neck.

"I'll kill you and make sure people think you committed suicide if you ever say that about my cousin again." He warned her and left.


"We can't operate him Mr knight, unless his family sign the papers." The doctor told Damien.

"Listen doctor, I'm his first cousin and I'm his family and I fucking signed every paper now why don't you operate him."Damien shouted.

"I would've operated him if he wasn't Benjamin Carson. Mr knight if anything happens to him this hospital will be sued that's why only his next in kin can sign the papers which is his wife." The doctor explained.

"You stupid thing, Benjamin's ex-wife is in Paris. There is no way she can make it here in time now operate him. I'm next in kin after her." Damien told the doctor and the doctor shook his head. "You know what doctor, I'll operate on my cousin, myself." He said it out of anger.

"Damien you not thinking straight, you---."

"Shut up Tucker." Damien shouted. "Listen Diego, get everything ready for me and I swear if my cousin doesn't make it, I'll kill this doctor and his whole family." He warned him as they went to the operation theater.

"I would always joke about everything Damien but this is a matter of life and death." Tucker said to Damien. "Please don't do it. You used to cheat---."

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