Chapter 40*Caught red handed*

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I arrived at the hotel sooner than I thought. I couldn't stop worrying about my children but there is no way I'll just ignore the bad feeling I have about Benjamin. If what Elijah told me is true than I know for sure, Benjamin is with Mercy.

"How can I help you ma'am?" The reception lady asked.

"Can you tell me which room Mr Carson is in. I'm his wife." I replied and she quickly started checking for me.

"There's no bookings under Mr Carson's name, sorry." She answered.

"And Mercy." I quickly added.

"What's her last name?" She questioned. I can't believe I'm such an idiot, I don't even know her last name even though she's Benjamin's PA.

"I'm not sure ma'am, but can you please tell me which room Mercy is in, I don't mind if there's more than one Mercy, I'll look for her myself." I begged.

"I'm sorry but I can't do that ma'am, you see we have---."

"Please, I beg you. It's urgent and my children needs me so please just tell me. I promise I won't tell anyone anything." I sounded so desperate but she is a kind lady, I know she will tell me.

"Fine. You lucky there's only two Mercy's that booked in. Mercy Petters and Mercy Russo. One of them is in room 143 and the other one is in room 147." She mumbled and I quickly thanked her before leaving.

I was forced to take the stairs because the elevator was taking so long. I just hope my bad feeling doesn't come true. I wonder how Elijah is doing.

I barged in the first room, room 147 and the women was definitely not the mercy I was looking for.

"What the hell?" She shouted and I quickly walked backwards.

"I'm sorry Mercy Russo, I promise it was an accident. I'm just looking for Mr Carson." I explained.

"It's Mercy Petters so get the hell out." She shouted and I left.

I kept shaking my head confused after she told me her last name. I didn't even noticed Mercy has the same last name as Nicholas, but there's no way they can be related.

I barged in the next room and caught Mercy red handed. She was on top of my Benjamin.

"What the hell?" I shouted this time as I ran to them and pushed her off. "What is wrong with you and what were you just doing right now?" I asked.

"What the hell are you doing?" She questioned.

"Have you no shame? You asking me what I'm doing here when you seducing my husband. What did you even do to him?" I shouted shaking her but she just kept laughing in my face. "Are you that sick Mercy?" I questioned and I could hear Benjamin mumbling my name.

"Benjamin was mine before he became yours." She replied. "Why can't you just leave us alone?" I smacked her angry the second she asked me that.


As soon as we reached home I ran upstairs to check on my baby. Oliver was still asleep and Elijah was playing on my phone. I knew he would look after his baby brother. I shouldn't have doubted him.

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