Chapter 36*behind bars*

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"It was me, Moerat. I had a fight with Mr Carson and I'm the one that called the doctors." Anna added.

"What are you doing?" I asked her as she stood in front of me.

"It was an accident but if you want to question me, let's do it at the station with my lawyer present." Anna told him and he nod his head. "Call my father Sofia, I'll be out soon, I promise and please don't tell Marko anything. Take care of Meghan and Annette for me." She gave me her phone and went away with the police.

"What is she up to?" Damien asked me and I shrugged myself. "She is really crazy if she thinks Moerat will let her go in a day, she will be locked up at least two days."

"How is Benjamin doing nurse?" Mercy said shaking, she wasn't even here when the police was questioning us. I hope she knows she is only his PA and nothing more.

"Benjamin is unconscious. Hopefully he will be awake soon. He is lucky to have a family like you." The nurse said and left before I could ask anything.

"Sofia, you can stay with him while I take this women home." Jay said grabbing Mercy's hand. "Nick already took all the children home but he forgot this one." He added dragging her out of the hospital.

"Charlotte, why don't you do Anna a favor and look after her kids. Sofia wants to stay with Benjamin." Damien told her and she giggled. "Charlotte."

"I also love my brother, I'll stay with him. Sofia can fetch her kids and look after them after all Anna took the fall for her." Charlotte answered bitterly.

"I'll quickly be back, please call me if anything happens Damien." I asked and he nod his head.


Anna's POV.

"You have a visiter." The guard said and I quickly went with him. My father already came with the lawyer, I'll be release tomorrow only now who else would want to see me?

"Anna." The women with the mask said as I took my seat. "The women who made my plans so easy." If only she knew this was my plane.

"The coward who is so afraid of someone behind bars, why don't you take the mask off or at least talk with your real voice." I snapped and she giggled.

"Short tempered, I love it." She mumbled. "You know I'll tell you who I am as soon as you wake up from your coma." I looked at her confused. "Do you want to hear my plan because honey you look so lost."

"I'm sure you will tell me." I replied rolling my eyes.

"Well said." She clapped her fingers. "Well you see the plan was to separate the Carson family for years but all my plans never worked so I took my chance the second I heard Sofia was pregnant again with a Carson. When Xavier got his girlfriend knocked up, I knew there was going to be a fight between the family. Sofia carrying a Carson and Thea carrying another Carson. Benjamin an heir to all Xavier's companies, hotels but now that Thea gave birth to a boy, I thought there would be a fight between them but I turned out to be wrong. Benjamin told his father to make his baby brother the heir."

"Where does Sofia and I fit in?" I questioned.

"You see Anna, you thought saving Sofia from jail you would be protecting her but instead you made a wrong move. You all pawns in my game, and I just hit the jackpot the second you got yourself arrested." She answered. "My biggest pawn in my game is Charlotte."

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