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Thank you for deciding to read on. This is the rules section. I know that nobody likes rules, but they are here for a reason, to keep the awards fun and fair. So let's get to it shall we?

1. I will be the host and only judge. You MUST NOT bribe me. Any bribing or attempts to do so will result in instant disqualifications without a notification.

2. I have the right to deny any submission for any reason. Since I am the only judge, if I feel that I won't be able to fairly judge your book for any reason: Content, genre, ETC, I will deny the submission to keep these awards fair and give every book a fair chance at winning.

3. I will NOT be accepting all genres. This is because I am not familiar with all genres, so I won't be able to judge it fairly. Please read the next chapter to find if your genre will be accepted.

4. Mature storries are aloud but they must adhere to wattpad's content guidelines.

5. LGBTQ+ storries will not be accepted. I'm not trying to offend anybody, but I'm just simply not comfortable with those types of storries, so for the purpose of fair judging I have elected not to accept these types of stories.

6. You must follow my profile for the duration of the awards. This is so you can get updates about the awards and so I can find your profiles and books easily. You can unfollow after the awards are completed if you so choose.

7. I shouldn't even have to bring this up, but please be polite to other contestants. Everybody writes to the best of their ability, and nobody deserves to get put down for their hobbies. Hate will not be tolerated and if I find out about it your book will be instantly disqualified.

8. To verify that you have read the rules there will be a password. Please identify three japanese baseball (NPB) teams. And just so people know, in real life there is twelve teams, so if everybody puts down the same three teams it'll be pretty obvious that you just looked at the comment above your own.

9. Books must contain five written chapters for all genres except for short story and poetry, where only one chapter is needed. This excludes author's notes, introductions and prologues.

10. Add this book to your private library and public reading list to get notified of all updates.

11. I ask that you please not change your username or story title during these awards. If I can't find your profile or book because you changed the names without informing me, your book will not be judged. I can't judge what I can't find.

12. Books must have fewer than 25k reads. If a genre only has one spot left with two submissions, the book with fewer reads will be accepted, granted that the form is filled out correctly.

13. You can only enter two books, one book per genre. This is because there is only a small amount of available places and I want as many people as possible to enter.

14. Only english entries. I am not talented enough to read books in other languages yet. Sorry.

15. HAVE FUN!!!

Next chapters has the list of genres and what classifies your book into a particular genre.

The sunrise awards summer2019 | ✔️completed✔️Where stories live. Discover now