I am searching for assistance...

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Hello all:

    I am looking to expand my reviewing team on my review book from the current three members, to maybe five, or six. I am posting this here today to see if I could find anybody who is interested. Your queue will only be up to five books long at any time, and will be assigned to you based on information that is gathered during the application process. Now that I mention it, there will be an application process. I will probably ask you for a sample review or two, as well. The process is quite lengthy to become a member, but it is necessary to make sure that the best, most suited reviewers get the job. In short, there might be fifteen people audition for the position of reviewer, but only three or four may be accepted. I ask in advance that you please not get offended if you aren't chosen after the application process, i truly will not be intending to be rude. Why a lengthy application process? Might you ask...well this is because I've seen these types of things happen time and time again. I've seen massive review shops with twenty reviewers and fourteen of whom while they do a good job, don't necessarily help out the people who asked them for advice. I will be striving to find the best reviewers out there, and you are welcome to tag any of your followers in the comments who might be interested as well. I thank you in advance and I look forward to getting a private message from you. ^_^

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