August 6 Announcements

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Hello all:

I know it is the middle of the week, but I'm going to do the announcements now since it is the most opportune time. So let's begin.

First off, the only books I have left to judge are in Action/adventure/mystery, which I am doing now that horror/paranormal/thriller is complete, and poetry. So in total, there are ten books left at the publication of this announcement.

Next up, the review for the People's choice winner is now up. You can check it out by going to my message board where a link has been posted, or going to the review book on my profile called Winding River Book Reviews and searching for immortally beloved in the contents. You can feel free to request one there if you wish, as well.

Next up is that I am aiming to have all books judged by Thursday, or within the next forty-eight hours. This is because on Friday I will be leaving for a week on vacation with my parents and grandparents on the coast, and I won't have time to judge or be on wattpad a whole lot. I will check in, but if I don't get all judging done by Thursday, it might get delayed a week. This goes for reviews. To get to the destination, there is an eighteen hour car ride, but typing on my small phone as compared to my Bluetooth keyboard on my ipad will be quite different, so reviews for winners might get done during that time, but don't hold me accountable to that.

Finally, I would like your thoughts on having a fall edition of this awards in September. I've been thinking about it because of the success that this awards is having, but if I do it it'll be a little slower because I have school. But I was wondering if you think it would be a good idea to do these awards once for each season?

Well folks, that about concludes it for this week. Thank you for reading and I wish all participants the best of luck!!

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