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"That old geezer better not have been lying to me

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"That old geezer better not have been lying to me." A young teen frustratingly groaned as her now calloused hands dug through the wet sand of the Red Sea. "If he had been it was probably just to blow me off, but seriously, that is super messed up."

The grey-haired man at the gem stand did not look very trustworthy anyways, but she was desperate. It had been nearly a month ever since she left her beloved home for a dream that many people just couldn't believe. After all, searching for a stone that is even rumored to exist would make anyone look insanely crazy.

With sad eyes she wearily sighed, the long hour she spent on the shore plunging to waste. The tedious work she was putting in every day was beginning to seem pointless if even the locals of the event would not help her. "How long is it going to take to find that stone?" The young woman groaned in annoyance, wondering when this endless search would conclude.

Lightly pushing back on her bare knees, the young woman moaned in distaste as the sharp grit of the wet sand felt as if almost stabbed her. It did not matter much at the moment though, all she felt was disappointment for the millionth time from the third of the almost finished month. Yet, her great despair distracted her from the menacingly large wave billeting towards her which was ready to suck her into the endless ocean ahead. Clueless to the ruthless currents of the sea, the girl did not know that once you were sucked in, it was mildly difficult to escape from Poseidon's fist.

A few men's voices rang out in the distance, alerting the young woman from her distressed state. "Indeed, a trip that would've taken a mere twenty hours by plane ended up taking a whopping 30 days." Striking fear replaced her tears as she clumsily rolled onto her back facing away from the mass of salt and water charging towards her. With a raise of her right hand, she chanted.

"Hypatia, Current Flip!"

Right then, a mystical figure appeared whose armored skin faded from dark blue to a soft pink. The body was crystallized in various gems which shimmered in the bright light of the fading sun, creating a sight that even Aphrodite would envy. But where a gorgeous face would be expected, a navy blue mask which replicated a jail cell sat instead. The heavenly being covered the quick-thinking woman from the tidal wave. With a quick slash of it's arms, it powerfully chanted, "Ipatiya, Ipatiya, Ipatiya."

With it's last strike, the charging wave irregularly turned to a different direction, back towards the sea which almost ended her life. A sigh of relief left the girl's mouth as she realized her life was salvaged in the nick of time. She cheekily grinned as her gorgeous violet eyes met the newfound Stand. "You know you may be the only local here who believes I'll find this stupid stone. Thanks for having my back, Hypatia."

The mystical being held a stance which replicated a proud knight. As if it were kindly reassuring it's master, the figure slightly bowed to the young woman. Despite the appreciated gesture, the appearance of this strange ghost was a mystery. As soon as the archaeologist entered the beautiful shores of Egypt, it had just appeared.

Hypatia ➣ Jotaro KujoWhere stories live. Discover now