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Quinn groaned in exhaustion

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Quinn groaned in exhaustion. Her violet eyes slowly opened, revealing a white ceiling which seemed to belong to a hospital room. The air smelt faintly of blood, but also of medical supplies. Scrunching her brows in confusion, the young woman sat up from what seemed to be an examination table. "Where am I?" She questioned, removing the oxygen mask from her mouth.

Getting no response, the girl attempted to stand up. Swinging her legs over the table, she let out a loud wince of pain as she felt something heavy dangle from where her arm used to be. A visible vein popped from Quinn's neck as she attempted to recover from the aching feeling, letting out a long breath of hot air.

With a face plastered with uncertainty, the young woman rolled the sleeve of the white dress shirt she was placed in up. The soft fabric bunched up as she gently moved it out of the way, her mouth open in pure shock as she felt something where her arm should have been. "Could it be?" She whispered, her purple eyes filled with wonder. Removing the entire linen sleeve, Quinn gasped. "W-What is this?!"

Two men in white lab coats burst through the small room, panting as they wiped dripping sweat from their foreheads. One of them quickly walked over to Quinn, who sat on the side of the examination table with confusion and slight fear. "Please do not worry, Ms. Forester. We are with the Speedwagon Foundation. You called us in a couple of hours ago to aid you in the defeat of DIO." Sighing at the young woman's expression as she stared at her arm he shook his head solemnly. "Mr. Joestar has a prosthetic hand. We decided you would rather have auto-mail instead of nothing. It'll take some time to adjust to it."

"W-Whoa." She muttered, raising the arm to the sky. It was a silver color, made of various metals. She wondered how the Speedwagon Foundation managed to create one for her so quickly, considering how well it fit onto what was left of her upper limb. Letting out a small smile she lightly chuckled. "You know, this is actually sort of cool. Thank you two. I really appreciate it."

The two men smiled in response, tipping their Speedwagon Foundation branded caps. The second man pulled a radio coil from his left pocket, pressing the device to record his speaking. "This is Car Four. Jotaro Kujo brought Quinn Forester here and has successfully been treated for any possible wounds. " He said, causing the young woman to perk up at the delinquent's name. "Him and Team A are retrieving Joesph Joestar's body. His grandson claims he has an idea to possibly revive him."

"Copy that." A man responded, his voice slightly laced with static as the radio crackled. "We are still looking for the body of Jean Pierre Polnareff, but he is believed to be living in slightly damaged condition."

Quinn stood up with that sentence, stumbling as she tried to adjust to the newfound weight on her arm. She had to have been on various pain medications, since she only felt a stinging tingle from where her nerves connected to the shimmering metal. "So, I'm guessing we'll all be leaving once Jotaro's back, right?" She began walking out of the vehicle as the men gave short nods. "Well then I'll be going... There's someone that I need to find."

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