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Quinn lightly scrunched the soft bottom of the lilac muscle tank she wore, extreme nervousness pulsing through her system as she stared at the men before her like a deer in headlights

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Quinn lightly scrunched the soft bottom of the lilac muscle tank she wore, extreme nervousness pulsing through her system as she stared at the men before her like a deer in headlights. It would be an understatement to say she was worried about what they would do. The young woman could only think of the worst outcomes. 'What if they were hostile? Or perverts? Or what if one of them happened to be a muscular vampire who was planning world domination?' She thought, feeling the eyes of the threatening teen in the black school uniform almost stabbing her.

A nervous sweat broke from the woman's hairline as she fiddled nervously with her calloused thumbs. In all honesty, she wanted to trust these men. Although they certainly looked abstract and had a terrifying amount of muscle, Quinn Forester felt the tugs of the universe telling her to befriend the men. She was completely unsure if it were their knowledge of Stands which allured her. All she knew was that they had a heroic aura surrounding them as if destiny was calling.

The unnamed older man cleared his throat, breaking the extremely awkward silence as Quinn was suddenly pulled out of the rambling thoughts her head had been shooting towards her. The young woman took note of his striking sea-green eyes. They held such a strong sense of child-like wonder, she could mistake him for a teenager. "Well Quinn Forester, my name is Joseph Joestar." He said politely, tipping his hat to the confused girl.

A small grin crossed Quinn's face. In all honesty, that was the closest thing to kindness she had received from anyone ever since she arrived in Egypt. Unless the weird guy who gave her wrong directions counted.

Gesturing to the bulky dark skinned man behind him wearing a red cloak, he said, "This is one of my most trusted friends, Muhammad Avdol."

Quinn, succumbing to Joseph's contagious smile and kindness, gave a soft wave to the man that had been introduced. Her eyes scanned him with curiosity, wondering who he was and why he was with these strange and unusual men. In the midst of that, she noticed the golden necklace covered with symbols which hung around his neck.

Realization fell over the young explorer as she excitedly gasped. Her fears and worries of these men completely faded as her jaw dropped at the sight of the rare artifact. "Hi! By any chance do you know the origins of that necklace? Uhh.. Not to be weird or anything! I mean it is just gorgeous!"

Silence suddenly deemed over the once happy atmosphere as the crew of men gave the starstruck woman strange looks. She began to inwardly curse herself, profusely begging that the generous kindness she was just displayed wouldn't disappear for her being a complete artifact freak. She slowly began to fall back into her shell.

Finally after what felt ages, the man warmly smiled and said, "No, I actually wasn't informed of it having a history at all. Would you please indulge me?"

Quinn's eyes suddenly filled with stars, they could even be mistaken for them. Never once had anyone taken interest in her studies, let alone have any sort of wonder to carry with them. Then again, one of the men just revealed a stand and the others could see hers...

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