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The five remaining crusaders stood on the top of the manor

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The five remaining crusaders stood on the top of the manor. Each were consumed with their own thoughts. Quinn in particular, worried about the fate of her sister. There was no doubt that DIO had her in his clutches. Even worse, the monster most likely was going to use Haru as leverage. As a trap to get Quinn into his clutches to somehow reclaim his memories.

As the sun set on the horizon, the Stand users grimaced in frustration. Night was falling, and that meant DIO was rising. They had missed their chance to attack him, and now they were stuck in an extremely tough position.

"Dammit, look at the sun." Joseph cursed, standing at the edge of the roof. His hat moved slightly in Cario's breeze, along with the hat Jotaro bestowed onto Quinn. "It's almost below the horizon."

Kakyoin tilted his sunglasses as he stared off into the sky. "DIO will have the advantage in the dark." He remarked, Jotaro groaning in distaste in response. Quinn took notice to this and leaned onto his shoulder, attempting to console him despite needing comfort herself.

"Wait hold on a minute!" Polnareff said suddenly, breaking Quinn out of her depressed state. The woman turned to the man with curiosity, wondering what he had to say. Pointing an angry finger at Joseph he continued. "Come again? Please don't tell me you guys are planning to run away and hide until dawn. Listen to me Mr. Joestar, I'm finishing this. There is no way I am packing up and heading for the hills."

Quinn nodded her head, her face holding a serious expression as she turned to Joseph. "He's right." She said, feeling determination pulse through her once more due to Polnareff's words. "We can't sit here and wait. We need to go and finish this tonight."

Glancing and the white haired man and the violet eyed teenager, Joseph let out a growl of frustration. "I want to get this over with as much as you two do. But the tide of battle has turned! While not up close, we faced his Stand The World and we still have no idea what powers it withholds. We're fighting blind here." Quinn shook her head, for once disagreeing with the man. "Think of it this way, it's like mountain climbing without a route. If we try to fight DIO right now, we'll all die! That fact is as inevitable as burping after knocking back a couple of colas!" Polnareff let out a grunt of anger as Joseph continued. "DIO would be a fool to not try to kill us! But, he can't do that until sunrise. In the meantime, we have to discover his Stand's power and find a way to put him down. If we can just hold out until the-"

"No way!" Polnareff yelled furiously at Joseph. "I'm not going back on my word! Avdol and Iggy died because of my weakness. I have to kill DIO and I will go to hell and back to do it. But, what I won't do is run away from my obligation!"

"I feel the same way as he does, Mr. Joestar." Quinn said, looking him directly in the eyes. "I have someone I need to save too. I get that you're scared that with one wrong move it will be over... but my sister Haru is right in DIO's clutches as we speak. If it comes down to it, I will do whatever it takes to fulfill my destiny of saving her. So please, we cannot walk backwards! We came here to defeat DIO and that's that. I refuse to be controlled by fear and the past any longer!"

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