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Quinn pressed her back to the rough wall in front of her

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Quinn pressed her back to the rough wall in front of her. Leaning down to the floor, she gently pressed her ear against the surface. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, she focused on the currents of the wind, attempting to identify disturbances in the draft.

"Quinn, do you sense anyone?" Joseph questioned, his rough voice echoing off the walls of the endless hall they stood in. With Hermit Purple at hand, he stood defensively as the young woman carefully analyzed their surroundings. "Who is in that room?"

The young woman raised her left hand to the man, causing him to flush with embarrassment as she gave him the signal to 'zip it'. They could not afford to have the same instance as before. The young woman recalled the near-death experience her and Polnareff had when arguing at the manor's doors. She required complete silence in order to focus.

Suddenly, the woman's breath hitched as she felt the draft change. It seemed as if two people had just moved. She was hoping one of those people were her sister, even though the chances of her survival were more than nothing.

Turning to her comrades, she gave a curt nod. "I think there are two people inside. Presumably on a staircase. I felt the draft change in an extremely strange way though. It was almost as if someone teleported." Narrowing her eyes in thought, the young woman furrowed her brows in an internal battle with herself. "I know it's risky, but I'm going to need two holes. One where you three are standing, and the other to my left. We have a better chance of catching DIO if he's attacked from multiple angles if he truly is inside."

"Alright, sounds like a plan." Kakyoin said, straightening his black tinted glasses as he set himself into an offensive stance. The rest of the group followed, Quinn moving farther away from them. "Let's end this, once and for all."

Jotaro and Quinn locked eyes before Star Platinum struck the wall. The emotion in them could be easily mistaken for sadness or pain, but they were filled with pure determination. When light purple met his aqua marine orbs, a connection struck between the two teens. Their eyes sent a message, and that message said, 'Please keep this promise'.

A large bang resonated through the ancient mansion as the large fist of Jotaro's Stand plunged through the concrete wall, chunks of rubble blasting through the room. Quinn swiftly ducked as Star Platinum's arm swung over her head, creating a gigantic hole on the opposite side of the room.

Quinn immediately noticed DIO's presence. It was as terrifying as she remembered, except it was stronger. Much stronger. It held much more malice and horror than it did before. His aura seemed to almost ooze through her, reaching into every crevice of her bones and breaking them from the inside.

As the three men entered the room, Quinn quickly jumped into action. Desperately trying to find her dear older sister, she dug through each change in the atmosphere. She felt her sister's presence, she knew damn well that she was still alive. But, she could also be almost dead.

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