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A/N: To anyone who is actually taking interest in this book, thank you. Times are rough right now because of the whole Corona quarantine, so writing this has become a nice outlet. I just wish everyone the best.

Also, I am new to writing and I was curious if the time skips are fitting in okay. Feedback would be appreciated.

Everything around Quinn exploded into flames, suffocating her in heat and smoke

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Everything around Quinn exploded into flames, suffocating her in heat and smoke. She could feel her skin peeling as the fire licked at her body, charring her in every exposed spot. Yet, Quinn had absolutely no clue of where she was.

A scream of agony left her throat as she saw two men above her who were burning as well, their fists rampaging towards each other as the building they were in was submerged in heat. They were both extremely muscular teenagers, one with blonde hair, the other with blue.

"H-Help!" Quinn yelled, unable to summon her stand in the horrid conditions. Her charred hand reached to the men as she begged for someone to save her.

Ignoring her pleas, the men continued to wrestle through the fire, slamming each other into the smoke-colored bricks behind them with no mercy. The blonde man seemed to have the upper hand as he twisted his opponent towards the bottomless pit below them.

Fear and determination flickered among the blue-haired man's eyes as he screamed, "Father! Give me the last of your strength!"

The blue-haired man then kicked off of the wall behind the two, rocketing the blonde man into Quinn as she was falling too.

The woman screamed in horror as she looked down, a statue directly under her and the blonde sticking a blade directly at them.

"W-What!" The blonde screamed as he forcefully grabbed Quinn, his blood red eyes staring into her soul as the two plummeted to their deaths. His expression was unreadable, it was just horrifying. "If I'm going I am not going alone!"

"W-Wait!" Quinn screeched in fear as she was flipped below the man, her head lining up with the statue's blade. "No, no, no! I don't want to die!"

Yet, it was too late. The blade of the statue pierced through Quinn's skull, splitting it into two and killing her instantly.

The woman's eyes weakly flickered as she felt another body topple onto her, blood running down her arms as they too were slaughtered.

"He-he-help..." She whispered, her last words being unheard.

"Quinn!" A concerned voice called as the woman sat up from her bed, tears rapidly running down her pale face as she was awoken from her night terror. The figure's hands grabbed her shoulders as she felt too scared to open her eyes. "It's me, Jotaro. What happened? Were you attacked by the enemy?"

Quinn's eyes shot open as her violet orbs met the blue ones before her in shock. Before her was Jotaro Kujo, without his hat or coat on, his calloused hands gripping her small shoulders as she shook.

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