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The golden hot sun of Egypt's blue sky beamed down onto the now six legends in the making standing on the warm sand

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The golden hot sun of Egypt's blue sky beamed down onto the now six legends in the making standing on the warm sand. The strong group walked casually alongside each other, explaining everything of importance to their newest member Quinn Forester. The burning heat only made the young woman sweat more at the sound of this unsettling news.

See, Quinn had never been a mere coward. She was extremely far from that, always taking risks and exploring new places to uncover artifacts that would gain her not fame, but respect. That respect was something the woman craved, not experiencing much in her month stayed in Egypt, or anytime really. If she were, it now seems like a blur.

The woman stood nervously between Joseph Joestar and the teenager who she found was his grandson, Jotaro Kujo. A cold silence fell over the group as Quinn Forester soaked in this new information. They feared that she would go back to wherever she had lived before, which frightened them. Not only because of her immense control of Iggy, but the men had grown attached to her. None of them knew if it was her wit or power which drew them in, but all that they could conclude was that this woman was special. She was meant to partake in this journey.

A shaky breath left Quinn's throat, trying to find which words to say, and how to say them in response to the heartbreaking news of Jotaro's mother. The young woman began to be consumed with guilt considering her teasing and poking done to the male in the past three hours that they'd met. One, it was not a good impression. Two, you finally understood where the slight hint of fear came from. Jotaro had only two weeks to save his mother from a curse that their family had barely any control over. That could weigh up to being more than holding the world on your shoulder.

"H-How is Mrs. Kujo now?" Quinn finally said, her words cutting through the sadness that loomed in the air. She struggled to keep a steady voice, "Has her illness improved whatsoever?"

Joseph gave a sad sigh, remembering the terrifying information he received from the pilot of the helicopter. The old man's worst fear became true as he said, "Well according to the Speedwagon Foundation, she'll be lucky if she survives for another two weeks."

Now each person in the group was stricken with grief, the sound of disturbed grunts meeting Quinn's ears. It seemed that even though these men had accompanied each other for a while now, their trust in them completing this mission was low. It was heartbreaking.

"We have no time." A defeated voice whispered. It was Kakyoin. His cherry red bangs fell over his green eyes which resembled his stand, covering the sadness and defeat which resided in them.

"God damn it..." Polnareff whispered, the blowing wind halting slightly.

"I also have some other news, for all of you." Joseph said with a frightened yet furious voice. "Not only did the foundation tell us that, they discovered that we have many more obstacles to face."

A collective gasp came from Quinn and the men, excluding Jotaro who just brought the brim of his hat to his nose.

"What other obstacles could there be.." Kakyoin groaned in pure frustration, running his hand vigorously through his locks like he expected it to relive the entire situation. From Quinn's eyes, she could see that not only Kakyoin, but everyone had gone stiff in reaction to Joseph's news.

"According to the report I was given, nine mysterious men and women gathered in a building DIO is believed to be hiding in, and they all departed together. We do not know who they are. The person who found this was killed, and the mansion had already been cleared out. The locations of the nine men and women were unable to be uncovered. Any further research on the situation would be nearly impossible for the foundation, they are not Stand users." The old man concluded, his fists getting tighter at his sides with every word. Quinn's heart broke for him, but also ached due to the fear of nine mysterious enemies appearing. Was she strong enough?

Polnarref got into a fighting stance as fear pricked at his senses. "Were they new stand users?" He seriously questioned.

Kakyoin raised out his hand as if to stop the French man's words. "Any remaining Stand users with Stands that suggest Tarot cards.... Excluding Hol Horse's Emperor, the only card left is The World." Quinn felt a deep pit form in her stomach as he spoke those words, specifically, "The World". It was like she knew everything about it, but didn't. She couldn't even recall why she felt fear about DIO's name or felt drawn to the group. Almost like how the kindness she was presumably shown faded to a blur.

"I had thought that The World would have to be DIO's stand, but..." He continued. Kakyoin turned his head to the companion on his right. "Avdol?"

The man stammered in shock at those words, wondering if the words were true. "I-I don't know." Shaking his head in disbelief he said, "I have no idea. Nine of them?"

Joseph gave a blank, lifeless stare towards his feet, the thoughts he had in his mind sickening him to the core. "Apparently, DIO's head hadn't got used to its new body yet."

Quinn shook her head, still shuddering from that name. She wanted to scream, the thought of remembrance pulsing through her veins. She worried so much about the men's relation to DIO, but she did not even know her own.  All she could uncover was the information Mr. Joestar gave her. That frightened her. It was almost like a chunk of her memory was removed.

"DIO seems extremely proud," Quinn finally breathed out, regaining her composure and trying her hardest not to crack. Jotaro seemed to take notice of the woman's suddenly skittish behavior. It reflected how she acted prior when they all first met, her face replicating the look she made when Jotaro's fist nearly connected with her nose. She continued, "So there's no way he would even flee from Cario... Right? It seems like he is trying to stop us from reaching him."

Locking eyes with Quinn with suspicion, Jotaro groaned, "Yare Yare, there's nine of them and six of us. Plus that, we have two weeks left. We're gonna end up rather tired."

"Well then we best get moving." Joseph then said, gesturing to a green buggy that sat behind us.

With an uneasy smile, Quinn gave a nod. In the process of that she looked towards Iggy and gave him a whistle. "C'mere boy!"

Immediately pepping up hearing the kind woman's voice, Iggy ran over to Quinn Forester. Placing his soft paws at her knees, almost begging to be picked up, he began wagging his tail at an immense speed. Joseph gave a laugh while watching the unbelievable scene unfold before him, climbing into the driver's seat of the vehicle. "You know I think that this is going to be a lot easier now that we have Quinn and Iggy."

Jotaro turned to the rear view mirror as Quinn entered the middle row of seats with Iggy. His eyes turned to slits as he squinted at her, trying to read the girl who showed fear in her eyes at the mention of the very man. Something did not sit right with her, and he was determined to figure out what. "Yeah...a big help." He muttered, skeptical of the new girl with the platinum blonde hair.

" He muttered, skeptical of the new girl with the platinum blonde hair

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