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A terrified gasp left Quinn's mouth as the crashed helicopter sat before her eyes

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A terrified gasp left Quinn's mouth as the crashed helicopter sat before her eyes. That was the very same helicopter Iggy and the two mysterious men arrived in. Now it was in multiple pieces, flaming and fallen apart on the desert sand. The timing could not have been more strange. It had most likely happened after the group had departed in the buggy, but how?

Suddenly, Quinn's eyes flashed in danger. Protectively yelling to her newfound friends, she urgently exclaimed, "This has to be the doing of an enemy Stand! Everyone be on your guard."

The men agreed with Quinn. Each of them defensively skimmed the area, their eyes dashing at the slightest movement. "I felt that too Quinn," Joseph said, tipping the brim of his tan hat up. "there's something menacing in the air. It is very likely that we'll be attacked."

Jotaro looked closer to the fallen aircraft, realizing a mangled dead body laid limply out the side of the shattered window. "Look! It's the pilot!" He exclaimed, a pit forming in his stomach at the disheveled form. Everyone turned towards the direction the delinquent was pointing to find that his claims were correct. A bloodied man was crushed, his fingernails leaving marks down the side of the aircraft.

Quinn's mouth went agape as she tried to hold in a terrified scream. Of course she had seen mummified people or even a dead animal when she would be exploring for archaeology hunts, but she had never seen a dead body, yet a dead body that had died in such a tragic and cruel way. This was just wrong. This was all wrong and Quinn knew it. Something was up and she felt like she was being watched, but she was not about to die in her first fight.

Mr. Joestar led the group towards the fallen aircraft, each strong member taking careful and quiet steps hoping not to get themselves killed like the men in the ruins of the helicopter. "Be careful." He warned as they got closer and closer. Quinn's heart began to beat rapidly, the feeling of fear so overwhelming that it began to hurt. "Something could be hiding in there."

Quinn, Mr. Joestar and Jotaro walked fairly close to the dead body, taking a look at something which caught their eyes inside the man's mouth.

Quinn paled as she knelled down across from Jotaro, realizing what horror awaited in his mouth. That was no pool of drool that awaited in his cavern. "I-Is that..." She trailed off, too fixated on the brutal scene to function a normal sentence.

Jotaro lifted his head gingerly on an angle which would release the substance in his mouth. Confusion masked his face as he too saw what was in his mouth as it poured out. "Water... There's so much water." He gasped in shock, getting up from the ground while Quinn did the same. Everyone couldn't figure out if they needed to be horrified, confused, or both. "Its coming from the pilot's mouth... No, from his lungs."

Pointing to the water which evaporated from the extreme heat, he pointed out that there was even a fish. That made absolutely no sense, unless.

"This man drowned in the middle of the desert!" Quinn exclaimed, holding a hand to her chest in shock as she stared at his dead body. She had so many terrifying thoughts running through her head, but none of them could match up to the strange occurrence before her. What had caused this and if it was a Stand user what the hell was their power?

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