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The cheerful sounds of happy laughter and music could be heard as joyful people danced through the newfound streets of Egypt as the mysterious men and Quinn walked to the supposed hotel building

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The cheerful sounds of happy laughter and music could be heard as joyful people danced through the newfound streets of Egypt as the mysterious men and Quinn walked to the supposed hotel building. The problem was, the young aspiring archaeologist did not even have a hotel as of now. Her stay had been concluded earlier today, hence why she was aimlessly searching the shore. She truly just felt extremely drawn to this group, somehow she needed to stick with them.

'I cannot believe I am actually doing this!' Quinn worriedly thought, cursing herself for being so curious of these strange men and their involvement with the wretched name Dio. 'Maybe I should turn back and make a run for it. This does not seem like a good idea at all. Especially looking at the big guy with muscles and the coat. He kinda scares me..'

Quinn spared a quick glance towards the threatening teen, examining his eyes once more as she did before on the beach. They were an aqua marine blue which could put the waters of the Red Sea to shame. The color was gorgeous, but the emotion was confusing. He seemed tense, determined, even fearful. But she could also tell something else. He was skeptical of her.

The woman rolled her eyes annoyed and looked away from the man. Letting out a small 'tch', she muttered, "Fine, be like that". She knew that skepticism was due to her.

Her eyes shot open as she heard him respond, his cold voice cursing a bothered, "Yare Yare Daze".

About to retort at him, her eyes widened realizing he possibly did not hear her at all. He was instead commenting on the helicopter that swirled above them which read, "The Speedwagon Foundation" on the left hand side of it.

Stopping his stride, he pulled Avdol and Joseph out of their conversation, grabbing the attention of the group. Tipping his hat upwards, he pointed towards the sky alerting the men of the aircraft circling above them.

"Old Man, the Speedwagon Foundation is flying over us right now. Did you have a request from them and let little Mrs. Indiana Jones distract you from it?"

Quinn, clearly offended by his words, scoffed at the rudeness of his nickname. "Hey! Hold on there fuc-"

Kakyoin protectively stood in between the two upset teens fearing that their anger would cause a brutal fight between the two. Not only that, but Kakyoin knew that Quinn would lose if the two did mercilessly clash. He did not know her Stand or the power it withheld, but he did see that her trust in it and her control of it was lacking immensely. "Hey how about we just check it out guys. While we are at it, lets introduce Quinn to the foundation. She does have a stand after all." He said with slight worry in his tone, hoping to stop the detrimental encounter.

Polnareff excitedly jumped in, dreamily staring at the woman. Quinn's eyes widened in slight suprise as she watched the French man jump with passion. He was certainly a flirt. "Yeah! Maybe we could even see if they'd like us to keep her around! She is quite the beaut."

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