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Quinn continued walking along the filled sidewalks of Cario

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Quinn continued walking along the filled sidewalks of Cario. People were still dancing along the streets at nearly one in the morning. The city was vibrant, but to the young woman with violet eyes, it felt empty.

"Hey Miss." A slurred voice said from Quinn's left side. The woman blankly looked over to the source of the voice to see an very buzzed Egyptian man, his motions sloppy as the alcohol he drank swarmed through his body. With a loud hiccup, he continued speaking as he clumsily approached the Stand user. "Y-You're a pretty thing. How about we spend a n-night on the town. Just you and me doll."

Shaking her head with frustration, the young woman waved the man off, too drained to even respond to the drunken remarks. Her mind was set on much deeper issues. A wasted man on the streets shouldn't have been too concerning compared to the battle she still had to fight.

"I'm busy. Sorry to disappoint." Quinn finally said after a long pause, the voices of citizens spending their night in the city singing through the streets. Her voice was still raspy and tired, not a single flame of determination flickering in her orbs anymore. "Go find some other girl to have fun with."

Beginning to walk away from the situation, Quinn felt her hair flow silently in the breeze. It wasn't comforting as it usually felt. The wind softly pressing against her lightly tanned skin would feel calming in almost any other situation, but it just felt hollow. The wind didn't carry the solitude it used to.

"N-not so fast, girly." The alcohol addict yelled, wobbling after the woman like a penguin. Quinn did not even flinch as she felt a rough hand grab her arm, the dry skin of the man feeling like sandpaper. Rolling her eyes as she felt barely any pressure, Quinn stood in place as the older male blabbered on. "You can't turn me down. D-do you know who I am? I'll be good to you baby, we'll whatever you want."

Gritting her teeth with clear annoyance, the woman whipped her head towards the man. Feeling overwhelmingly agitated, she struggled to withhold herself from throwing the normal civilian to the pavement and crushing his skull.

"Look, I don't have the time to sit around and play lovey-dovey with you. I need to find a payphone as soon as possible. So please, piss off." Quinn snapped angrily, her teeth baring as if she were a rabid animal. Ripping her hand from the man's disgusting grip, she was about to turn away. Just then, an idea came through her mind. Letting out an exasperated puff of air, the woman's lifeless violet eyes met the drunk's bloodshot ones. "Well, actually if you could take me to a nearby payphone that'd be great. Then, we can do what.. you want."

"Nice choice, doll." The man snickered, believing that Quinn would go along with his plans. Did he really think she was stupid. With one wrong move she had the power to swoop him up and throw him halfway across Egypt. Still, she continued to act obedient, just needed to reach a phone. "I'll l-lead you to one, j-just follow me." He said, choking over his words as hiccups kept escaping his extremely dry lips.

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