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"Look at me, swelling it down

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"Look at me, swelling it down." A voice suddenly said as Quinn ducked behind the brick wall of Britain's abandoned streets. "Nothing like a drunken fool, just like my bastard father. Dammit!"

Shock crossed Quinn's expression as she watched the intoxicated man writhe down the streets in anger. 'Who is that?' She wondered as she glanced at the man's blonde hair. 'He sorta looks like the man from the nightmare I had... And drunken father? That was the strange memory I uncovered with Jotaro and Polnareff..'

The man then shoved two people out of his way as he went on his tangent, a bottle of liquor sitting in his palm.

"Hey, watch it!" One yelled in anger as his yellow scarf drifted in the night breeze. The blonde man took another swig from the bottle of liquor as he continued. "You have no respect for your elders boy!"

Curiosity drew Quinn to follow the situation, her violet eyes baring towards the three men. The one who was pushed taunted the teen as he went, "Look at the baby! Tolling around past bed time. Sucking on a bottle like it was his mother's tea!"

Quinn winced as the other man in the green jacket cackled, pointing at the teen in mockery. "Look at the man when he's talking! Didn't your old man teach you right?"

The teen's eyes widened in anger as he spun back. He then smashed his liquor bottle against the man in the yellow scarf's teeth. Quinn cringed as his teeth flew out of his mouth, blood dribbling down his face as he clutched it in horror. Though, he did deserve it.

The man in the green coat furrowed his brows as he watched is companion stumble away. Grabbing a knife from his pocket he said, "Just for that I'm gonna take your face clean off ya!"

The blonde tipped his top hat, revealing his amber eyes to Quinn's point of view as she cowered behind a wall. "Oh, your threat has me quaking in my boots!" He taunted sarcastically as a devilish grin met his lips. "How will I escape this moment of mortal peril? How about we use this?"

Quinn gasped as she saw the blonde man grasping a mask in his hands. 'That looks so familiar! What is that?' She thought in disbelief as she stared at the artifact.

"It's meant for Jojo," The blonde continued, causing Quinn to lift a brow. "but you'll serve as a fine guinea pig."

"Just die already!" The man in the green coat demanded, charging at the blonde with his knife out.

The blonde then smirked, grabbing the side of the man's head and twisting it. He then forced the mask onto his face, causing spikes to emerge from the stone figure. "Let's see what you can do!" The blonde taunted, pushing the man's surprised body towards the injured drunk on the floor.

Quinn gasped in horror as the man in the green coat stabbed his friend by accident, sprawling blood all over the mask on his face.

The young woman stood up, reaching her hand towards the blonde as her memory was jogged. "D-Don't let blood touch that mask! Wipe it off!"

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