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A/N: Thank you for 200 reads! Sorry this was posted a little late, I was experiencing trouble with my internet for a few days and was not able to publish.


Quinn groaned in frustration as she held the black school jacket over the heads of her and Jotaro

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Quinn groaned in frustration as she held the black school jacket over the heads of her and Jotaro. On that particular day, the sun displayed a generous amount of heat, causing the duo to sweat buckets. It wasn't pleasant in the smallest amount.

Summoning Hypatia, Quinn ordered her Stand to send a soft current of wind towards Joseph, Jotaro, Avdol, and her. The sudden coolness caused the group to let out a collective sigh of relief.

"Good call, Quinn." Mr. Joestar praised, fanning his face with his brown explorer's hat with a smile. "Even in moments like this, your Stand can come in quite handy."

A small blush of appreciation crossed Quinn's features as she grinned at the old man. "Thanks Gramps."

Jotaro let out a small 'tch' as Mr. Joestar responded in a flabbergasted manor to the new nickname. "G-Gramps?" He exclaimed as Quinn held a confused expression. He flailed his hands in the air with as the group continued walking forward.

"U-Uh.." Quinn stuttered, confused with the man's reaction. "Not like you're old.. I mean you are but- ugh wait. That's not what I meant. I mean like as in a family figure. Like with all the stories you tell about your life. By the way, I still don't believe the one about those Pillar Men."

"Hey! That was very much real. Back in my day we didn't need Stands, just Hamon and some muscle." Joseph retaliated as Quinn chuckled at his offended expression.

"Hey, Polnareff! Don't sit there." Avdol demanded, staring at the French Man as he perched next to a beggar. Sweat pooled down his forehead as he held a single bill in his hands. "And give that money to him."

Polnareff held a confused expression as he curiously glanced at the angry man before him. "Is this guy a beggar?"

Quinn let out a small smirk as she rested her head on top of Jotaro's hat. Avdol walked towards the man apologetically. "Sorry. My friend doesn't know much about this city."

"You should've just said something in the first place." Polnareff complained, the beggar fuming with rage.

"I'm a beggar who can't speak in public for professional reasons." He yelled, ripping off his sunglasses and revealing his angry grey eyes.

"Ah." Quinn exclaimed, finally remembering the history of the city. She knew this event seemed familiar. "Doesn't this city have a beggars' association? Each beggar gets assigned a spot where he's paid to do his work?"

Avdol nodded, turning to Polnareff who did not understand the entire concept whatsoever. Nobody blamed him though, it was a little unusual. "That may seem strange, but without rules like this, there'd be chaos in the streets."

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