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Quinn sat worriedly alongside the white hospital bed which belonged to Kakyoin with a glum expression, the sight of his bandaged eyes causing her lips to form into a thin line

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Quinn sat worriedly alongside the white hospital bed which belonged to Kakyoin with a glum expression, the sight of his bandaged eyes causing her lips to form into a thin line. The fatal wounds he was forced to bare only reminded the young woman of defeat. Despite not being near the man once N'Doul's Stand struck, the archaeologist felt guilty walking out of that fight unscathed. Yet despite his injuries the cherry-haired man carefully sat up. "Are your wounds healed Avdol?" He questioned in concern.

"Yes. But I am much happier that your wounds will be alright, Kakyoin." Avdol said, a genuine smile crossing his features. He was once again reminded of the Japanese teen's immeasurable kindness. Despite being terribly hurt himself, Noriaki Kakyoin still placed his friends before him. Quinn crack a small smile, feeling warmth encircle her tattered heart. His selflessness had lifted the sadness in the room to a melancholy comfort.

"So I will be alright." Kakyoin said wholeheartedly towards his team, wishing he could see the faces he had gotten so attached to that past month. Still, behind the tight bandages on his face were eyes filled with compassion and pride. "He didn't cut my pupils, so I've been told it will heal soon. In Junior High, one of my classmates was hit by a baseball so hard that his eye was mashed in, but he was fine by the next day. It was just fluid leaking out of his-"

"What the hell!" Quinn interrupted, horror and disgust filling the woman's lilac eyes. Collective murmuring fell over the room, everyone muttering about how gross that was, despite seeing a dead body the day prior which exploded into two. The expression on the young woman's face was extremely laughable, her eyes practically popped out of her head while her jaw was solidified in gawking shock.

"Seriously?!" Polnareff exclaimed, leaning towards Kakyoin. It had seemed like the French man forgot the pinkette's eyesight was temporarily severed. His expression mirrored Quinn's, shock pulsating through his veins at the horrific description. Mr. Joestar covered his mouth in attempt to withhold a gag. He was unsettled by the story as well. "No... Holy shit." He winced, just picturing the classmate's mangled eye.

"In a few days, I can take off my bandages. I'll catch up with you all then." Kakyoin said, a fulfilling smile crossing his lips despite his condition. In full honesty, the young man withheld his concerns despite the aching in his heart. He was completely aware that his vision could possibly not return, the thought alone making him want to scream. Yet he knew that he could not hold his companions back. So, he pushed them forward. "We're less than 800 kilometres from Dio's lair in Cairo. Everyone, please carry on without me. And be careful."


"Kom Ombo?" Polnareff questioned with confusion as the gang departed off the small sailboat. The crusaders had finally arrived to their desired destination after an extremely draining voyage. "Do we really have time to stop here?"

Avdol sighed in discontent, feeling just as overwhelmed as everyone else. "As long as they let us ride the ferry, we can't complain."

The French man gave an aloof huff of annoyance. Crossing his arms like a child, a long grunt escaped his lips as he smelt the slight scent of cooked meat in Kom Ombo's air. "Man I'm starving! Let's get something to eat."

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