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Two adults sat menacingly at the round table

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Two adults sat menacingly at the round table. One held a face of triumph, their mind already set on the idea of mercilessly destroying the opponent. The other held a face of concentration, her mind depicting a way to achieve an outcome which would work in her favor.

The three men surrounding that table each held their own thoughts. The oldest man thought of his daughter. His mind was filled with worry for her future, wondering what awaited her after this battle. He also fretted for Quinn's victory. With the odds stacked against her, his heart held great anxiousness.

The teenager in the green school uniform withheld thoughts of faith. His belief in his female companion stood strong. In his heart, he felt that the witty woman would pull through. He knew that the adrenaline pulsing through her had been replaced with full determination of winning. Despite his fear, Kakyoin believed in Quinn.

The bulky teen with the black cap and school uniform held true thoughts of concern and confusion. His heart and mind had never been brought to this sort of position. He was not used to feeling this amount of protectiveness. The emotions he had felt since a few weeks ago had contorted his sense of himself into nothingness. The Jotaro Kujo wanting to shield a woman had been almost unheard of, after all.

"Well, D'Arby. Are you going to press start?" Quinn questioned, her locks of platinum cascading down her back. Her violet eyes looked like they could kill. Pure anger and pride welled up in her orbs, emitting an aura that was untouchable. "We still have one more round. I haven't admitted defeat just yet."

"So persistent..." D'Arby purred, a sly smirk crossing his features. Stretching his slim fingers to the start button, he coyly licked his lips. "You'd be a nice companion if you understood Lord DIO's motives."

"Don't you think its just a little strange to follow the motives of someone who gave you severe amnesia?" Quinn muttered with distaste. The woman still never could understand why all of these Stand users worshiped a man who completely ruined their lives. Depending on how you looked at the situation, any of these people could have led normal lives if DIO never appeared. "I swear, you guys don't make any sense to me."

"I could say the same to you Quinnzelle Shiobana. It's quite comical that your entire existence makes no sense to you either." D'Arby mocked in response, making sure that the last sentence struck a nerve with the young woman. As the countdown appeared on the television screen, Quinn gritted her teeth in concentration. "Now, may the best racer win."

The word "go" appeared in front of Quinn's eyes in neon lights, signaling the start of the next and last match. Within less than seconds, the two cars boosted towards the three paths which resided in front of them. It would be up to the racer to pick the one they'd take.

"This is the last course of the race." Kakyoin explained, being familiar with this game in particular. Back in Japan, it had been one of the few things that kept him entertained throughout his lonely life. "It's basically the last two courses, except there is more than one route to reach victory. Instead of one straight road, multiple different pathways are present. Meaning if the correct one is picked, the driver will be assured victory."

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