Chapter-7- Just go. Leave

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I shoved my phone in the front pocket of my blue worn out jeans, and adjusted It's weird how on my walk over to Maddie's house all I could think of was Joss.

His hair, his face, his attitude, his sudden attachment to me, but most importantly his vampire side.

I had a feeling inside that made me think he was stressed, angered and near.

But why should I care? He is a vampire, and I will never have something to do with him. Ever.

I'm pretty sure that all I need right now is a walk to Maddie's house.

The walk will cool me down, and Maddie always just had a way to cheer me up when I'm down.

My thoughts were interrupted when my phone began buzzing.

I let it buzz once, twice, and on the third one I checked to see who it was.

I reached in my pocket, and looked at the number that was calling me. XYX-YXYX.

I have never seen that number before call me on my phone, yet it seemed so familiar.

Oh well. I answered it, "hello?"

After a two second pause I heard Joss on the other end say, "hey! where are you? I'm at your apartment but no buddy's home."

Honestly I was kinda angry that he just enters my house with out an invite or anything.

Just shows up and walks in. That makes me feel a little less secure sleeping at night.

"I'm out walking to my best friends house. why do you care?" I said sounding really really curious. More curious then I intended to sound.

"Just wanted to know. What street are you at?" he asked. For some reason he sounded kinda worried.

Why is he worried? Why does he care? Why did he even have to make a sudden appearance in my life? Couldn't he just kill me and get it over with?

"Carrollton st. why? " I asked like I was really dumbfounded.

"Sounds great. See you in a few." Was all he said right before the line went dead, and there was no time for me to argue.

I stared at my phone half wondering how he got my number and half wondering why he sounded like a mixture of worry, concern and as always trying to keep his cool tone.

Before I could come up with answers which would only be over exaggerated and wrong -I like to do that a lot- I felt a hands cover my eyes.

Their hands were warm and moist. "Guess who?" the voice said as they let go and stepped beside me making them self visible. Joss.

"What? huh? how? why? you were just- and now your- how?" I said sounding like a two year old trying to figure out a math question.

"Another vampiric skill?" I asked plainly and bored.

I'm getting seriously annoyed with all of these super powers. They are getting on my last nerve.

A small part of me was a little jealous. But that was only a very very small part, that I pushed away about as soon as it came.

"Yes is one of my vampiric skills. You know one of these days we are going to have to seriously sit down and talk about all my skills so you don't get freaked out when I use them. Well, as much anyways."
He said back to me.

Honestly that would be nice, so that I could actually get used to all his vampire skills.

WAIT! hold on a second. If I got used to all his vampire skills then does that mean he will be hanging out around me. A lot!? oh boy! I have two problems with that.

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