Chapter-14- Im Exavior Stone

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"You, Madison Taylor, promised! You promised you would spill, and I'm going to make you tell me willingly, or I will simply force it out of you! Choose wisely my friend." I commanded, pointing an accusing finger at Maddie.

"I choose, to be left alone and finish studying for my history text next week, without having to continue looking over my shoulder for a messed up friend ready to ambush me at any given moment." Maddie simply replied, with her head never lifting from her book, like it became her biggest interest in the world right now.

"That wasn't an option. Don't make me do anything that we both know I'll regret later." I growl back, giving my best friend my best death glare I could manage.

"It just doesn't seem fair that your forcing me to open up to you, I'll tell you when I'm ready." She said calmly, and patiently, obviously trying to stall.

Well, I guess she makes a point. I shouldn't try to force her to tell me her crush. No matter how tempting it may be to strangle the information out of her, it would probably be best to not go to jail, before heading off to college. That, and I guess it would show bad friendship to strangle your best friend. Whatever, same thing.

But come on, she is torturing me she was supposed to tell me yesterday, but was absent from school. I've waited so long!

"You make it so hard to not strangle you, you know that right?" I reply pulling out a chair and sitting beside Maddie, at the round beige table of the library.

"It's a gift." she replies matter-of-factly, still pretending to study.

"Come on at least a hint, just one!" I begged. At this point I was about ready to get down on my hands and knees, to beg for even the slightest of hints. I must know who my dear friend Maddie has been crushing on, I don't know who exactly put the idea in her head that she could hide stuff from me, but whoever it was obviously won't get too far with that.

"Fine, he's a boy." she said, sneaking a small glance above her history book to she my face, but only for a half a second before quickly turning her head back to her book, as if looking at me may give it away.

Ok, really. Like that wasn't already established. Is she trying to get me to strangle her. 'Cause if she is, she is doing a really good job at it. I'm about this close to jumping on her, and dancing on her grave stone.

"Come oooonnn," I say, my voice whining like a two year old trying to get a cookie.

"That's not even a good hint." I pout.

"All you said was a hint, you never said a good hint. So, I told you something about him. You should have seen that coming, lil."

She's right, I should have seen that coming. This isn't the first time Maddie has done that.

"Besides, you still didn't admit that you like joss." She added, closing her book and letting it rest on her knees.

"That's because I don't" I shoot back plainly.

"Right. so that's why your always around each other." She said, stretching the 'right'.

I see what that little she devil is doing. Maddie is trying to change the topic from her crush to my non existent love life.

To be honest, I don't really love any one. As cliché As it sounds,I'm looking for the right person and so far, I'm not very lucky.

my dad is dead, my mom gave up on the family and I live alone. So I guess you can say that I'm a loner.

The only person I love, would be Maddie. She is family to me, like my long lost sister.

I am really close to Maddie, and her family. They pretty much adopted me. I'm usually always at their house, and I call everyone my family. Cause truth be told, they are as close of a family that I got. But I love them all.

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