Chapter-9- Guess again, neighbor

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It was 6:45.... in the morning....... on Monday.

God did I ever HATE Mondays. I have The worst subjects of the week, the weekend comes to an end and don't even get me started about gym!
After about five more minutes of sulking in bed I finally decided to drag my little butt out of bed.

Stupid school

I got up and did my own special little routine that I do every morning; I moped around hoping that I was still in bed dreaming about going to school, then realizing I'm not, making my special coffee I'm my special coffee brewer that my special dad had given me for a special gift that no one else was aloud to touch, not even if they are special, got dressed, fixed up myself some breakfast and went to school. I liked to think of it like my own little "thing" to do every morning.

So after that was done and I had unwillingly stumbled off to school. Cause if I didn't I was gonna be late. And mrs. Bull was in charge of detention today.
And boy o boy no one wanted to be in detention when she was there. She was kinda like the schools dark side, the devil, the soulless woman at least I'm pretty sure she is a woman. It's like one day she'll transform the school into her own little cemetery. And she will put us under her control...

Yep defiantly a woman, there is no way that a guy could have the attention span, focus and skill to do that. Oh and there was also the fact that her name was "mrs" and not "mr". Wait a second! if she is "mrs" and not "miss", then that means she is married.


Wouldn't wanna meat him anytime soon....

I pecked outside my window, only to see a drained of light Monday morning. The skies were gray, it sprinkled rain, and it seemed like the only birds chirping were the crows.

This is gonna be fun.....

I picked up my rain jacket, boots and my school bag that contained; my phone, my homework, random papers that I forget what I was supposed to use them for, my lunch money, and an old bag of crunched half eaten chips.

I was starting to slow down my past cause my legs were getting sour, and then just my luck! The light drizzle of rain quickly turned around and formed into a heavy down pour.


Just another reason to hate Mondays to add to my list.

I was only about five blocks away from school so I ran.

The only thought in my mind was.. run, run, run, run, run.

It was raining so much that it wasn't even funny. Ok maybe if joss was the one getting soaked, then it might be a little funny. Ok, you got me, it would be hilarious! anyways not the point here. Joss is wherever he is, and I am here now...outside.... getting wet... and late for school.

I was about two blocks away from school and I got a cramp. And I mean painful stab yourself with a pencil 100 times bad.

But I had to keep running.
This would have been a good moment to actually good at gym class.

'I can't be late, I can't be late, I really can't be late'

I thought to myself.
Cause if I'm late, that'll screw up my perfect attendance record. And I have a biology test first period I need to be there to ace it.

Yeah I know, that makes me sound kinda like a nerd, but I'm just like that. You know?

As I was running, about one block away now, all I said to my self was
Cramp cramp cramp cramp cramp
And I'm pretty sure I was thinking out loud cause as I was running people kept giving me looks like I was retarded or something. An old lady actually asked me if I needed help.

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