Chapter-10- Apoligie not accepted, you little mental freak!

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No, no, no, no and plain and simply no!

There was no bloody way that this could be freaking possible. I mean come on? seriously? joss? MY NEIGHBOR!?

You know what, I think he planned this, yeah, he planned to moved beside me, he planned to be an obnoxious jerk, and I bet he was doing this all just to annoy me!

No! wait! this has to be a dream! there is no way this is true. Maybe joss doesn't live beside me and my mind is playing some sick joke on me thinking that it'll be funny!

Or maybe even better! joss was just a creation of my imagination. If that were true then there would be a huge weight lifted of my shoulders. And better yet I wouldn't even have to carry that weight off! it would just magically disappear with joss.

... As if, that would never happen. Cause apparently life wasn't in a good mood and wanted to turn mine into hell because of it. It's like every time I'm happy life goes "oh no! that's not aloud to happen! lets throw something bad in there! ohhhh better yet lets through a blood sucking Demon in there. That outta do the trick!ohhh!!"


After standing in the hallway staring blackly at Josses apparently new house door, I finally decided to stop acting like a dumb found puppy and actually walk in my house.

I mean, come on. He had to pick the neighbors that I actually liked. Why couldn't he just pick mr and mrs's Conway's house. They are super annoying. Cause unfortunately our walls to separate our homes, were only paper thin. So almost everything that went on in my apartment she could hear, and everything that went on in her apartment, I could hear. It was pure nightmares.

Every night I cried myself asleep, and I have always been a big fan of music and singing. I know I'm not at all good at singing, but it always seems to calm me down. So when the crying would go on for so long that it would begin to hurt, I would sing. Anything really, but mainly "sunshine"

It was my moms favorite song. And I know she left me and my family alone, sad and heart broken on Christmas, but there was always a part of me that wished she would come back and patch things up. Even though I knew I would never forgive her. I wanted to see her try and prove that she cared about me in the slightest way.

And every single time I would softly sing myself to sleep, mrs. Conway would pound on the other side of the wall screaming "turn that horrible racket down! I'm trying to sleep! children these days..."

Well, no point in sulking, its time for me to woman up and stop acting like a sour apple. Yeah! I used that line! I know it sucks, but I still said it! Woo! go lily!

I'm gonna sleep, maybe in the morning things might clear up and get better... yeah, a girl can dream right?


It was 1 freaking 38 in the morning, and I couldn't find a single ounce of sleep in me! this is horrid!

Ok! listen up! you ruined my life, gave me an annoying vampire and decided to send him to my school! I thought I was a good girl! why pay me back like this! I'm serious god! do something! I kinda get the hole vampire thing, but messing with my sleep is just crossing the line!

After my mind flip out at god, I started tossing and turning in my bed again, desperate for some decent, mind relaxing sleep. Yet it wouldn't come.

Then all of a sudden, out of the blue, a thought popped in my mind that I really didn't feel like thinking.

Why can't someone just choose their thoughts, and what to think, instead of thinking about something you don't wanna think about and not choosing your thoughts just strolling along in your mind like a careless teenager!

Wow! that was just stupid!

Wait hold up! who the heck are you!?

I'm you genius!

Well I've got some attitude..

Yep! you should know that by now! I mean, after the way you treated joss! come on, seriously! you threw him away before you even got to know him, and then walked away, thinking you have the freaking rights to be mad at him, when he is the one who should be mad at you, for gods sake!

Nah uh! he started it!

Now you sound like a two year old!

Well, if I sound like a two year old then so do you!

Ugh! whatever! I give up on you!

You mean me!


Okay... did I just have an argument with myself? well that's new, and probably unhealthy.

I don't know why, but after midnight, I become all emotional and girly.

But, now that I think about it, I think annoying I-like-to-have-stupid-conformations-with-myself side of me is right. I think I was to harsh on joss. and I wanna make up for it. Should I call him? or would that be stupid at one in the morning?

When my brain was actually starting to hurt, I grabbed my cell phone and started texting joss;


I waited a second before thinking of how stupid of me it was to actually send that, he's most likely not going to-

My thoughts were interrupted, bye my phone buzzing.

Joss- why the heck are you freaking texting me at bloody one in the morning?! :/

Me- why are you texting me back at one in the bloody morning?! don't you know people are trying to sleep?

Joss- touché, my sister, touché.


Joss- but seriously, what so important that you had to awaken me from my beauty sleep?

Me- well two things actually; one, I am so sorry for being A jerk! it was stupid and I didn't even let you explain. And apparently I like to argue with myself! and second, your like vampire, don't you like stay up all night?

Wait. Did I really just say that i talk to myself? that doesn't make me sound mental at all... please note my sarcasm.

Joss- apology not accepted, you little mental freak!

Uh oh.

Me-what do I have to do to make you forgive me! wait hold up! wasn't I mad at you?? you are supposed to be begging me for forgiveness! not the other way around! you freaking doofus!

Joss- oops? forgot?

After ignoring him for about ten minutes, just to see his reaction, I got another text.


I didn't reply.

Joss- I'm serious Lily?

Yep, nice to know, still not replying.


Me-now was that do hard to say?

Joss- :/

Me- haha! sucker! anyways, I think I found a decent amount of sleep in me. NNiiiiiggggghhhhhttt!!!

Joss-night lily, try not to dream of me to much enh?


And with that, it was the end of our interesting little chat that night. And I finally found sleep, now without stressing out over joss.

I'm over thinking again. My eye lides fluttered close, and everything went black, as I did this wonderful thing, called sleep!

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