Chapter-13- I JUST KISSED HIM!

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Ugh! stupid school! stupid math! stupid life!

Why does school have to have homework? They have our days! I say we take back our nights!


Yeah.. in my dreams.

I am currently working on some Math homework, that also happens to be impossible to do. And get right.

a) 126 373 123-12 384 393=

I'm going to give up soon. My brain is currently not functioning properly. I am usually able to figure these type of questions out in a finger snap. I really don't know what's going in to me.

By now I started throwing a fit. I whined, and jumped in my seat and then through my pencil across the room.

And I repeat, stupid school, stupid homework, stupid life.

"Well someone is mad at there pencil. What did it ever do to you?" mocked joss who walked through my door and shut the door lightly behind him.

"Well, if it decided to work on my stupid math homework and get all the answers right, then maybe I won't through it across the room." I pouted while throwing my arms across my chest.

Joss chuckled, and pulled out a chair beside me and plopped down. I don't know how, but something about the way his hair flopped over his right eyes, made him look even more attractive. If that's even possible.

And for once, joss took off his mask of hidden feelings, and I saw tones of emotions run through his face. Love, hate, depression, loneliness and care.

Joss tilted his head to the side a bit and smirked. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." He said still smirking.

He just caught me staring. Oh no! this isn't good. And I'm making it worst by blushing furiously. I could feel my checks heating up by the moment.

I quickly turned my head away, and covered half my face to try and cover my blushing, fighting all my nerves not to actually pull out my phone and take a picture of him.

When I thought my checks were back to a decent shade of beige, I looked back up to see joss who was now standing up and walking over to me. I bit my lip and let confusion take over me.

Joss walked up to me and halted when he was just inches away from me. He bent over and grabbed my waist, pulling me up into a standing position, and his face was missing his famous smirk, and was covered with seriousness.

Okay, what is happening. I didn't fight the slightest bit when he pulled me up, not at all. When he pulled me up, it was soon that I realized our faces were only inches apart. A wall of simple air blocking my way of meeting his lips. Just a small step forward, and I would be kissing his lips. his very inviting lips.

I was mesmerized at how close we were. It's not like I'm complaining though.

Joss leaned in closer to me, his hands still on my waist, and announced. "Lily, I don't know why. But, I love you. I freaking love you." joss rubbed the back of his head and grinned slightly.

I'm struck like a lightning bolt. This is so unexpected. And what's worse... i don't love him.

"Your braveness, courage and strength are the first things that attracted me to you, and don't even get me started on how beautiful you are and how you complete my world. Without you, my life would come crumbling down, broken, rid of happiness. I love you lily, and I always will, until I am old and gray. You are my life, my heart, my love. And there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you and your love. Back there, outside of the party when I was feeding, and you stopped me. I was amazed at how beautiful and courageous you were. I just you can say that your my brave little worm." He continued smirking at the memories.

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