Chapter-12- But i like the feeling

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"Come on! please!" I begged Maddie.

"What makes you think I even have one?" she replied obviously annoyed at my begging.

"'Cause I know you better then you know your freaking self! and what I know is that you've been goo goo eyeing some buddy and I wanna- no I need to know who!" I commanded back.

You see, I can always tell when Maddie gets a crush, keeping a secret,or just furious. She always tries to change the subject every two seconds.

So we could be talking about flowers and the next thing you know we are talking about pickles!

But when she gets a crush (witch isn't very often) she twirls her hair, gets more sociable and changes subjects as fast as you can snap your fingers.

But today was just outrageous. She was doing all three of those signs and she was doing it on full gear. So I could tell that my dear friend Maddie had a nice boy crush.

"Okay, so maybe just a little one. but really it's no big deal. High schoolers make a big deal over everything. Like did you hear about Kyle Anderson? like, how he apparently got put in a coma, had five near deaths and his parents were on a date while this was all happening!? yeah, well actually that wasn't even nearly true! Kyle just fell on his leg while skateboarding, so he got checked on in the hospital, and stayed home from school one day, while his parents were at work!
Curse high school and all their made up rumors! but speaking of witch, did you hear of the drama auditions! they are supposed to be doin' frozen, a musical."

She said twirling her hair and over exaggerating.

I sighed at her blindness to the fact that I could read her like a magazine.

"See! there you go again! its a sure sign that your hiding something or someone from me!"

"Now what are you rambling on about?" she stated more like a matter of fact then a question.

"You are blabbering on about something that absolutely no one cares about, while changing the subject every two freaking seconds!" I shouted.

I will get an answer out of her. And I will have to approve of this boy.

Maddie sighed in defeat. "Fine! alright! happy now? you caught me! I was hiding something from you!" she said sighing once more.

"HA! you have been defeated Miss. Madison Taylor! now spill the beans!" I practically sang through the halls, ignoring all the strange looks I was getting from other students.

"It's... my hobo!"

"Wait? what?" I asked her. I was seriously confused right know.

" My hobo that lives in my basement. His name is Albert. And I am in love with him!" she said much over dramatically.

"But my daddy refuses to let me love him, him and Alberts family have a hatred feud going on. and we will probably end up dying at the end. So I guess you can call it a love doomed from the start!" she replied smirking eviley at me.

"Madison! right now is not the time or one of your hobo stories!"

I could tell that she was kidding. There is absolutely no way that I am letting her fall in love with a homeless freak that would live in her basement.

"And what would you do if I wasn't kidding?" she said still smirking her life away.

"Then I would be to embarrassed to be seen with you smelling awful from your visits to your 'love' and I would have to find a new best friend until we get older, and I turn out to be a billionaire, and you come to your senses that you should have listened to lily and left the homeless guy out of your life, or at least your basement. And you will come crawling back to me. And of course I can't say no, because I will never find a friend as wacky and crazy as you!" I replied as a matter of fact.

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